Sqlldr Control File Defaultifblank
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Sqlldr Control File Defaultifblank

I've been writing more method syntax in my new MVC projects in c#. I guess I was trying to just get this to work, and didn't want to totally rewrite it. This isn't a new project, just an expansion of my web forms based eCommerce program that I converted to Entity Framework over the summer, and flattened out the tables like you suggested last year, a total database overhaul. But for whats it worth, your advice has finally paid off for me, I haven't a complaint in over 30 days now. I'm stilling getting the hang of SQL Linq, and my Data Access Layer.

Sqlldr Control File DefaultifblankSqlldr Control File Defaultifblank

Results 11 - 20 of 87. I have customized our DojoComboLogic class by being aware of two new parameters in the grouper-ui properties file. I think a better way to customize this would have been to control it through a 'DenyWildcardLookup' parameter in sources.xml, but I wanted to avoid changing core class like. Contribute to gitbook development by creating an account on GitHub.

All I have left now is to convert my web forms based app to a responsive design using the twitter bootstrap, and go back to the DAL for automatic database creation. If I haven't thanked you yet for the help and advice you gave me, then thank you very much. And yes I did implement it all. Try SELECT SUSER_SNAME([ Transaction SID]) FROM fn_dblog ( NULL, NULL) WHERE [ Transaction Name] = ' DROPOBJ' e.g. No, these can only be found if you are logging anything in your system. Like, which account initiated which request, which request made what change and what time it was etc. These type of logged data can help in understanding what went wrong (if the actions were wrong) and who made a change.

If there is no log, then stop searching any further because there ain't any. But this one loss would teach you to create a logging system in your environment. The system would log the changes being made, it would store the user's ID, time of change and what change was made. In my opinion, you should also keep a backup of your databases so that if (under any case) a table is lost or data is not integrated anymore, you can revert it back to a previous version. Respected Sir, Hope you are doing well.

The question being asked can be solved in 2 ways, as per my understanding. #1: If the data storage format is like StudentRoll,Name,English,Physics,Biology,Maths etc. (which he didn't asked ) In this case, in-order to flatten the data, first we will use UNPIVOT. Once done, the next step will be to use Row_Number() and get the N-th highest marks. Finally, to get the original structure back, we should apply PIVOT. #2: If the storage format is like SName,Subject,Marks(which he asked ) In this case, since the data is already flattened by Subjects, we must apply the RANKING function (as I applied Row_Number()) here and get the N-th highest one.

Kindly let me know, if my understanding of your question is correct in which case please provide the feedback of the response. Indian143 30-Oct-15 4:55 30-Oct-15 4:55 Hi All, I am using the following script to transpose a particular column row as columns, but the problem is I am able to get only one row, for example I have StudentNames, Ids, AggregateMarks, and TotalMarks.

If I use the below approach and generate a column for every student then I am able to get only TotalMarks for each student, but I want to get Ids, AggregateMark also under each studentName DECLARE @cols AS NVARCHAR(MAX), @query AS NVARCHAR(MAX) select @cols = STUFF((SELECT ',' + QUOTENAME(StudentNames) from yourtable group by StudentNames, id order by id FOR XML PATH( ' '), TYPE ). , ' NVARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 1, ' ') set @query = N ' SELECT ' + @cols + N ' from ( select value, ColumnName from yourtable ) x pivot ( max(value) for ColumnName in (' + @cols + N ' ) ) p ' exec sp_executesql @query; Can anybody please help me in this, any code snippet or suggestion or a link would be very very helpful, please thanks in advance. I have Printed the dynamic query, it is as below. But same thing how to get that ServiceLevel from the below query, it is printing only Service id for each column in a row, but I want Service Level also in another row, can't we do it? Any sort of help would be very very helpful, please help me I am also trying my best.

Thanks in advance. SELECT [Cartilage Regeneration],[Foot and Ankle Care],[Hand, Wrist and Elbow Care],[Hip Care],[Joint Replacement],[Knee Care], [Orthopedic Trauma Surgery],[Pediatric Orthopedics],[Shoulder Care],[Sports Medicine],[Tendon and Ligament Repair] from ( select ServiceLevel, ServiceId, Name from [Service] ) x pivot ( max(ServiceId) for Name in ([Cartilage Regeneration],[Foot and Ankle Care],[Hand, Wrist and Elbow Care],[Hip Care],[Joint Replacement], [Knee Care],[Orthopedic Trauma Surgery],[Pediatric Orthopedics],[Shoulder Care],[Sports Medicine],[Tendon and Ligament Repair]) ) p. 3, here is a way (The first version is static) DECLARE @T TABLE(StudentNames VARCHAR( 20), Id INT, AggregateMarks INT, TotalMarks INT) INSERT INTO @T VALUES ( ' NAME1', 1, 300, 503), ( ' NAME2', 2, 250, 500), ( ' NAME3', 3, 378, 504), ( ' NAME4', 4, 490, 500), ( ' NAME5', 5, 399, 500) SELECT X.ID,X.TotalMarks,t1.[AggregateMarks],X.[NAME1],X.[NAME2],X.[NAME3],X.[NAME4],X.[NAME5] FROM @T PIVOT ( MAX(AggregateMarks) FOR StudentNames IN ([NAME1],[NAME2],[NAME3],[NAME4],[NAME5]) ) AS X JOIN @T t1 on t1.Id = X.Id ORDER BY 1 I have done this one to show you how it must go like. The dynamic version follows CREATE TABLE #T (StudentNames VARCHAR( 20), Id INT, AggregateMarks INT, TotalMarks INT) INSERT INTO #T VALUES ( ' NAME1', 1, 300, 503), ( ' NAME2', 2, 250, 500), ( ' NAME3', 3, 378, 504), ( ' NAME4', 4, 490, 500), ( ' NAME5', 5, 399, 500) DECLARE @cols AS NVARCHAR(MAX), @query AS NVARCHAR(MAX) select @cols = STUFF((SELECT ',' + QUOTENAME(StudentNames) from #T group by StudentNames, id order by id FOR XML PATH( ' '), TYPE ). , ' NVARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 1, ' ') set @query = N ' SELECT X.ID,X.TotalMarks,t1.AggregateMarks, ' + @cols + N ' from #T PIVOT ( MAX(AggregateMarks) FOR StudentNames IN (' + @cols + N ' ) ) AS X JOIN #T t1 on t1.Id = X.Id ORDER BY 1' print @query exec sp_executesql @query DROP TABLE #T Hope this helps. Jassim Rahma 29-Oct-15 5:31 29-Oct-15 5:31 Hi, I am wondering why I am getting error when running below simple IF in MySQL? Indian143 28-Oct-15 15:09 28-Oct-15 15:09 Hi All, We are moving the data from a huge database into another database as we guess we have Duplicate values on Name and Description fields in some tables we want to list our all those Tables which have these columns and duplicates on those columns using some script dynamically.

Is there any way to write that sort of script if some body already did it and can help me, it would be a great help I am also searching any link, suggestion or code snippet would be a great help. Thanks in advance. Indian143 28-Oct-15 5:08 28-Oct-15 5:08 Hi All, I have an Excel file in which there are multiple sheets and its columns are spread in multiple rows like a parent has multiple children and those children have their children. How can I load this data in to a table sheet by sheet, means for each load if it loads from one sheet that's fine but important thing here is columns are spread into multiple rows. I am also searching, but any link, any suggestion or code snippet is going to be very very helpful. Thanks in advance. Sorry I didn't mention it may be but I want to do it SQL Server script.

So I am trying in the following way SELECT * INTO #Servxxx FROM OPENROWSET( ' Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0', ' Excel 12.0 Xml; HDR=YES; IMEX=1; Database=D: Servxxx.xls', [Servxxx First Sheet$]); It is giving me the following error OLE DB provider ' Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' for linked server ' (null)' returned message ' The Microsoft Access database engine could not find the object 'D: Servxxx.xls'. Make sure the object exists and that you spell its name and the path name correctly. If 'D: Servxxx.xls' is not a local object, check your network connection or contact the server administrator.' Msg 7303, Level 16, State 1, Line 10 Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider ' Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' for linked server ' (null)'. It is saying file is not there, but file is there and it is erroring out with link server etc. Indian143 27-Oct-15 4:07 27-Oct-15 4:07 Hi All, I have a table A in it I have columns like Id, ParentId, ParentName, Child1Id, Child1Name, Child2Id, Child2Name. ParentId is the parent of Child1Id, and Child1Id is the parent of Chil2Id.

Id is the Primary key of this table. I want to have a select statement which, I have to get ParentIds, ParentNames order by ParentNames, under each Parent, I want to have Child1Ids, Child1Names, order by Child1 Names, Under each Child1s, I want to have its child2Ids and Child2Names. ParentId, ParentName Child1Id, Child1Name Child2Id Child2Name Child2Id Child2Name Child2Id Child2Name Child1Id Chil1Name Child2Id Child2Name Is there any way to write a query like this? Please help me, any type of help, a link, a code snippet or a suggestion would be greatly helpful, thanks in advance.

MadDashCoder 23-Oct-15 14:13 23-Oct-15 14:13 Hi everyone, I have a temporary table as shown below tempTable(ID int not null identity( 1, 1) primary Key, Col1 int, Col2 int, Col3 int) I am trying to get data of each column, store them in a variable, and manipulate them as I loop through the table using while loop. The following is what I have tried create proc [dbo].[spGetData] @Col1 int @Col2 int @Col3 int as begin declare @count int declare @currentColumn varchar( 25) declare @currentColumnVal varchar( 25) set @count = 1 set @currentColumn = NULL set @currentColumnVal = NULL create #tempTable(ID int not null identity( 1, 1) primary Key, Val1 int, Val2 int, Val3 int) insert #tempTable(Val1, Val2, Val3) Values( @Col1, @Col2, @Col3) set @count = 1 while @count. What were you expecting? There is no final select in this SP. In fact you can't create the SP because there are errors reported. If I fix the errors.

Commas after @Col1 int and @Col2 int and create TABLE #tempTable the Stored Procedure is created and when I run it, it prints 'Val2' - which is what I would expect given what you have in the body of the SP. Are you actually trying to use dynamic sql?

Have a look at this CP article - [] You also need to understand how to return values from Stored Procedures - see []. [Spgetdata] 1,2,3 ALTER PROC [dbo].[Spgetdata] INT, INT, @Col3 INT AS BEGIN DECLARE INT DECLARE @currentColumn NVARCHAR(25) DECLARE @currentColumnVal NVARCHAR(25) SET = 1 SET @currentColumn = NULL SET @currentColumnVal = NULL CREATE TABLE #tempTable ( ID INT NOT NULL IDENTITY(1, 1) PRIMARY KEY, Val1 INT, Val2 INT, Val3 INT ) INSERT #tempTable (Val1, Val2, Val3) VALUES(@Col1,, @Col3) SET = 1 WHILE. First you'd have to decide which database-server; there are various ones out there, some paid, some free, some simple, some complex. If the database supports SQL (most do), then you could issue a CREATE DATABASE command. If it will be a local application, using it only for lookups or leaning much on reporting, then you may want to look into MS Access. If there's going to be updates and reporting is not an issue, I'd recommend SQLite. If it is not a local application, I'd recommend Sql Server Express.

Those can all be used for free; interacting is done as documented. This Zip file contains (in csv format) (Link1 or Link2 or Link3) names given to babies, both male and female and their rankings of a particular country for every year from 1944 to 2013. Create an interface which can display the following queries: Popular Names by Birth Year: User can enter a year and choice like Top 10, Top 20.Top 1000 etc and the relevant names will be displayed.

Choices should be there for only males, only females and both. Name rankings should also include Number of Births Popularity of a name that has changed over the years: Given a name and a year it should show (preferably in a graphical format) how popularity has changed starting from that particular year till 2013. For example if a user inputs: Brendon and a year 2000 it should show the popularity of the name starting from 2000 to 2013. Again choice of Male and Female should be there because some names can be both male and female.(actually this is the project that i have been given and i am using oracle 11g i guess if that's fine for this project).

Oracle is a good choice; now you'd first need a way to get that data in Oracle. You could type in a lot of insert-statements, but there's probably a tool out there that can upload the CSV to an existing database. Next, someone will have to create a UI (I'd recommend.NET) and create a way for the user to set named options.

They can all be translated to a change in the SELECT[^] statement that has to be generated. The select-query is a nice piece of homework; the example actually looks as if each option is there to introduce another part of the select-command.

I'd recommend focussing on that before you try to 'add' the popularity-indication. You'd need to filter on both gender and year in the WHERE statement, limit your results, and dynamically build a query from code. When is the deadline?

Roughly means you have a week. In that week you need to build a UI and learn some basic SQL. Spirou Et Fantasio Tome 53 Pdf Converter.

Do you feel like game? What application are you using to interact with the database? I assume you've already got it installed and got a tool to access it. Day 1-2: create database, table and upload data Day 3-4: create UI Day 5-6: execute basic select command and displaying result From a bit of Googling I take it that there's a command called 'sqlldr' that can be used to import a CSV. There's a video [], which makes it look easy, but I imagine the three different files required to execute it all can be a little bit confusing. There's a [] and more resources, and you can post questions on how to create a specific command here. If you don't have a manual on SQL on Oracle, I suggest you get one.