Yj Newsflash Module Rapidshare Files
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Yj Newsflash Module Rapidshare Files

Yj Newsflash Module Rapidshare FilesYj Newsflash Module Rapidshare Files

Release: IP.Board.v3.0.4.PHP.NULL-DGT.zip This is a maintenance release for IP.Board 3 and addresses various bugs and adds in some enhancements to existing features along with performance improvements. Also, IP.Blog, IP.Gallery, and IP.Downloads have received a maintenance update. Major Changes Since 3.0.3 Among many dozens of smaller bugs fixed, the following large changes and fixes have been made in the 3.0.4 release: * IP.Board: RTE support in Safari and Chrome * IP.Downloads: Option to not check filetype for linked files [code] [/code] ngarep. Features: » New eCredits Module - The new eCredits Module is a 'pay per minute' feature for private chat conversations (available with or without webcams) which is built into the Pro Chat Rooms software and is provided free for versions 4.0.1 and above (can be enabled/disabled as required).

* PSD files included * Joomla 1.5 template. * YJ Newsflash 2 Module New! Zine also comes with modified YJ Image Slider 3. YJ Newsflash 3. 0 enhanced with JComments and Joomla. Comment support, YJ Multitabs, YJ Tag Cloud and YJ Latest Tweets module. Features: * 1. 3 collapsible module positions* PSD files included* Joomla 1. Yj Newsflash Module Rapidshare. Stop your search and.

» Brand New Engine - A complete rewrite from previous versions, the new chat engine features much improved faster performance with even lower bandwidth. » User Statistics - New 'user statistics' record the users combined total 'hours-minutes-seconds' for all chat sessions. » Roll Dice - Allows users to simulate a dice roll by typing /roll 3d3 (any multiple dice combination can be used - eg. 4d4, 12d99, etc).

» XSS/MySQL Protection - Improved coding to help prevent possible XSS and MySQL Injection attacks. » User Created Rooms - Admins can now allow users to create their own rooms. User created rooms can be set to auto delete after XXX seconds when left empty. » Show Last Messages - Admins can now set the amount of last messages to display in the chat room when a user logs in (eg. Show last 10 messages). » Beep on New Messages - Plays audio sound when new messages are displayed in the chat room. » Adbot - Administrators can now enable/disable advertising bots to display text link advertisements in the main chat room windows.

A) Allows unlimited text adverts to be added and displayed. B) Assign adverts to display in certain rooms only (eg.

Adult adverts in adult room only). C) Define how often to display the adverts (eg. Every 15 minutes). » Advanced Private Chat System - Administrators can now define which individual users are allowed to access the private chat feature. » Auto Idle - Sets users status to idle after admin defined period. » Bandwidth Saver - Auto logs out idle users after admin defined period.

» Silence Users - Admins can now silence users for XXX seconds/minutes preventing them from typing messages. This provides the admins the ability to chat with specific users without the user being able to respond.

» Automated Installation - Installation couldnt be easier! The Pro Chat Rooms now includes a fully automatic installer to help assist during the initial setup. » Gender Login (standalone versions only) - Chat room users can now choose their gender during login (eg. Male/female or couple). This feature will automatically assign a male/female or couple avatar to appear alongside the users messages.

» Customisable Profiles - You can now customise the default header/footer for user profiles to match the look of your website. » Guests & Members Rooms - This feature allows the administrator to restrict which rooms guests are allowed to access. » Multiple Background Images - This feature allows administrators to assign different background images for each sub room. » Multiple Language Support - This feature allows your users to choose their preferred language during login.

» Password Protected Chat Rooms - This feature allows admins to create unlimited private chat rooms with passwords. » Guest Access (restrict features) - This feature allows the administrator to 'Enable/Disable' the following features for guests, a) Private Chat b) Private Whispers c) Chat Room Messages d) Share Files e) Support Bell Administrators can also restrict which features are available to members too. » Choose Room Login - Users can now choose which chat room to login to on the Pro Chat Rooms login page. » Enable/Disable Select Room Option - This feature allows you to use the Pro Chat Rooms as a single chat room. » Force Login - This feature will force users to login to a specific room set by the administrator. When the 'Select Room' list is disabled this allows the Pro Chat Rooms to act as multiple 'single chat rooms'. » Announcements - Chat room admins can now broadcast popup and on-screen announcements which appear in every chat room.

» Custom Smilies - This feature allows the administrator to assign up to 32 custom smilies/emoticons. » Custom Avatars - This feature allows the administrator to assign up to 30 custom avatars. » Audio Effects - Plays audio sounds on chat room entry/exit.

» Support Bell - Chat room users can ring a support bell to get the attention of other users. » User Profiles - User profile system is built into the Pro Chat Rooms script which will allow users to create their own user profiles and upload images. » MOTD - New 'message of the day' feature allows you to create different welcome messages for each of your chat rooms (accepts plain text and HTML). » Customisable Language File - The Pro Chat Rooms script can now be translated to any language by editing the language file (default is ENGLISH).

» Flood Control - Prevents users flooding the chat rooms with messages. Requires users to wait XXX seconds between posts. » Maximum Chat Room Users - Sets the maximum number of chat room users that are allowed to login at any one time. Displays 'chat room full' message when maximum chat room users number is exceeded. » Maximum Message Length - Sets the maximum length of any message that a chat user is allowed to post. » Unlimited Chat Rooms - There are no limits to the amount of chat rooms that can be created by the chat room administration. » Unlimited Users - As an ajax based browser application, the Pro Chat Rooms script has no limits to the amount of users who can use the chat rooms.

» Customisable Text - Users can personalise their chat messages by choosing from a wide range of styles, fonts and colours. Additional font styles and colours can be added by administrators. » Custom Styles - You can redesign the chat room to match your websites existing colours by editing the style sheet. » Private Chat - Users can chat privately to each other (without other users reading their messages) by using serveral methods. The first is a whisper type message which appears in the main chat room screen but cannot be seen by other users or alternatively, clicking a username in the userlist will launch a popup window where you will be able to chat privately away from the main chat rooms. » Registered Users - This feature allows you to create a 'members only' based chat room login system (with optional guest login, where required). When enabled, members will need to register their username, password and email address to create a chat room membership.

Only unique usernames and email address will be accepted. Lost password facilities (the option to retreive a users login details by email) are also included. » Avatars - Users can assign avatars to appear alongside their messages in the chat room and private chat windows. » Smilies - Smilies/Emoticons can be added to messages to provide additional fun. » Multi Level Administration - Assign both Moderator and Administration status for users, providing you with 100% chat room management.

» Transcripts - All conversations are stored in a private user accessible transcripts for personal viewing or printing. » IRC Commands - Chat room users can type special IRC type commands in the chat rooms like /block, /unblock, /action and /status. Each IRC command has its own operation.

See the chat room help section for a more detailed explanation. » CMS Profiles - The Pro Chat Rooms script currently integrates with 27 content management systems including custom built management systems and databases. This allows you to integrate your members existing profiles and automatically logs your members in without needing to enter their login details twice. » Banning Options - Abusive users can be banned from using the chat rooms by either their IP or Username. » View Online Users - Users can view who else is online and which chat room they are logged into on the login page. » Bad Word Filter - Bad words can be filtered out of chat conversations and replaced by alternative text. » Shout Filter - Prevents users from SHOUTING in the chat rooms by converting all messages to lower case charaters.

Example: 'HELLO!' Becomes 'hello!' » Capitalize Filter - This feature capitalizes the first letter in chat messages.

Example: 'hello everyone.' Becomes 'Hello everyone.' » Admin Control Panel - The Pro Chat Room script also includes an admin control panel area for viewing all chat room transcripts, users details, bans, creating new rooms, editing the chat room colours, emailing all members* (*for standalone versions only) and much more.

Chat Room transcripts can be sent to your desktop printer. [code] [/code]. We know how hard it can be when you develop software and simply have no time to finish or adapt your new website for it. To make it easy for all hard working developers we give you YouApps Joomla Template that has a beautiful WEB 2.0 style and is made specially for software or applications presentation. With some special build in styles for YJ Newsflash 3.0, new YJ Newslider 9.0 and free YJ Registration module, this joomla template is a must have for all web developers.

YouApps Joomla Template features: * 100% Tableless Design * XHTML Valid * CSS Valid * 508 Valid * 14 fully collapsible module positions * PSD files included * Joomla 1.5 template * CSS dropdown menu * SMooth dropdown menu * Split menu * Joomla 1.5 Demo Installation * YJ News Slider 9.0 New! * YJ Registration module New! * 3 unique CSS styles * Server side Compression * Extended Typography styles * IE6 png fix * Font resizing * SEO features build in Demo: [code] [/code]. Blogus theme is perfect for a world travelers. You can share travel experiences using Google Map feature. Post, add photos and communicate with friends and family around the world.

Theme Overview Unique Features Standard Features Widgets Preset styles * Featured articles rotator lets you scroll the posts from Featured category without refreshing the page. * NattyWP Google Map feature lets you add your travel map or current location. * Networks widget with all popular social networks. Stay connected. * A completely widgetized sidebar with custom widgets included in the theme packaging. * Completely CSS color controlled, offering you the most flexibility and the easiest customization, allowing you to change the colors of your entire site on the fly in seconds. * Amazing typography styles.

* 8 custom NattyWP widgets. * 4 different styles to choose from. # Integrated NattyWP Theme Framework to tweak the layout, colour scheme etc. # Additional page templates for Archives, Sitemap and Fullwidth.

# SEO Optimised Layout with custom SEO settings. You can optimize each post. # Automatic Image Resizer, which is used to dynamically create the thumbnails for the blog posts.

# You can add video to your post from more than twenty video services such as Youtube, Vimeo, etc. # Drop-down menu´s; You can exclude any page and choose between displaying pages or categories. # You could split a single post up into different web pages. # Banner and Adsense management. # Built-in Gravatar Support for Comments. # Threaded Comments for WordPress 2.7+ # Site Statistics.

* NattyWP Google Map - widget lets you add travel map or your current location. * NattyWP Personal Networks - widget lets you display all your social network profiles in one spot. * NattyWP Banner - Banner widget lets you manage your banners across the site. Widget has its own settings and can be easily configured to display the following formats - 728x90, 468x60, 234x60, 120x600, 160x600, 120x240, 336x280, 300x250, 250x250, 200x200, 180x150, 125x125.

* NattyWP Combo - This widget lets you manage 125x125 banners. * NattyWP Adsense - Adsense widget is an analogue of the Banner Widget for placing sets of Adsense advertisements on your site. Widget supports all popular formats used by Adsense. * NattyWP Feedburner Subscription - Create and manage Feedburner Subscription * NattyWP Flickr - This widget lets you add photos from your Flickr profile. * NattyWP Twitter - This widget lets you display latest Twitter updates on your blog.

DEMO: [code] [/code]. Bongo theme is a very neatly coded wordpress template by NattyWP. This theme boasts an impressive functionality, advanced widgets and perfect color customization module. You can definitely use it for a magazine or news site too. Theme Overview Unique Features Standard Features Widgets Preset styles * A javascript Featured Posts (tag based mofule) with thumbnail hover effect and previous/next sllides. * Advanced Most commented module with JS navigation. * 8 additional widgets from NattyWP * 6 Unique Style Variations * Integrated NattyWP Theme Framework to tweak the layout, color scheme etc.

* Additional page templates for Archives, Sitemap and Fullwidth. * SEO Optimised Layout with custom SEO settings. You can optimize each post. * Automatic Image Resizer, which is used to dynamically create the thumbnails for the blog posts. * You can add video to your post from more than twenty video services such as Youtube, Vimeo, etc. * Drop-down menu´s; You can exclude any page and choose between displaying pages or categories.

* You could split a single post up into different web pages. * Banner and Adsense management. * Built-in Gravatar Support for Comments. * Threaded Comments for WordPress 2.7+ * Site Statistics. * NattyWP Featured - With Featured widget you can display posts tagged as featured. * NattyWP Most Commented - With Most Commented widget you can display most commented posts across your blog.

* NattyWP Banner - Banner widget lets you manage your banners across the site. Widget has its own settings and can be easily configured to display the following formats - 728x90, 468x60, 234x60, 120x600, 160x600, 120x240, 336x280, 300x250, 250x250, 200x200, 180x150, 125x125. * NattyWP Combo - This widget lets you manage 125x125 banners. * NattyWP Adsense - Adsense widget is an analogue of the Banner Widget for placing sets of Adsense advertisements on your site. Widget supports all popular formats used by Adsense.

* NattyWP Feedburner Subscription - Create and manage Feedburner Subscription * NattyWP Flickr - This widget lets you add photos from your Flickr profile. * NattyWP Twitter - This widget lets you display latest Twitter updates on your blog.

DEMO: [code] [/code]. Features A list of unique features that are included with BoardWalk. * Random Header Graphics (rainbows, kites, planes) * Random Footer Graphics (beach huts, crabs) * Customizable Weather Feed * Two Column Layout * Widget Ready * Adsense Ready * Featured Homepage Post * Three Featured Categories * Related Articles * WP 2.8+ Ready * No Sidebars Template * Links & Bookmark Template * Sitemap Template * Five Level Threaded Comments Plugins Plugins are tools to extend the functionality of WordPress.

Learn More * Easy Contact Form * Similar Posts * Wordpress Page Navigation * Flickr Feed Ad Spaces BoardWalk has the below available advertisement spaces by default. * 2 (468px × 60px) * Can I add my own advertisements?

Yes DEMO: [code] [/code].

YouScene Music Joomla Template is new edition to our spectrum of premium joomla templates. Build on YjSimpleGrid framework,loaded with plenty of content items and custom joomla extension, YouScene is unique by its layout and design. Demo content comes with preinstalled YouScene News slider, Multimedia Box 2.0, Yj Newsflash 5.0, YJ Multi tabs module and Yj Newsflash 3.0. With 3 background images and 4 base colors you can choose between 12 style combos.

Build in 51 module positions will give you plenty of room for additional layout options and content. Code • 100% Tableless design • XHTML Valid • CSS Valid • JS Valid • 508 Valid • SEO features build in Template Options. • YjSimpleGrid powered • 51 collapsible module positions • PSD files included • Joomla 1. Trainz Simulator A New Era Download. 5 template • CSS dropdown menu • SMooth dropdown menu • Split menu • Up to 12 CSS style combos • Flexible frontpage layout • Native RTL Support • Server side Compression • Demo Starter • Extra Typography styles • IE6 png fix • Adjustable width • Font resizing Links to Download http://www.mediafire.com/file/yskui2k4kcgnevy/yj_youscene.zip.