The Vlookup Book Pdf Chandoo Dashboard
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The Vlookup Book Pdf Chandoo Dashboard

By Building cool Excel dashboard components won’t do you any good if you can’t effectively manage your data models. The VLOOKUP function is the king of all lookup functions in Excel. The purpose of VLOOKUP is to find a specific value from a column of data where the leftmost row value matches a given criterion. Take a look at this figure to get the general idea. The table on the left shows sales by month and product number.

The Vlookup video Book (14 chapters, 4 hrs of video) The Vlookup eBook (PDF version) Example workbook with more than 50. A couple weeks back, I asked who was interested in the free “Launch Excel Boot Camp Training Course” that I was making.

The bottom table translates those product numbers to actual product names. The VLOOKUP function can help in associating the appropriate name to each respective product number. To understand how VLOOKUP formulas work, take a moment to review the basic syntax. A VLOOKUP formula requires four arguments: VLOOKUP ( Lookup_value, Table_array, Col_index_num, Range_lookup) • Lookup_value: The Lookup_value argument identifies the value being looked up.

This is the value that needs to be matched to the lookup table. In the example in the figure, the Lookup_value is the product number. Therefore, the first argument for all the formulas shown in the figure references column C (the column that contains the product number). • Table_array: The Table_array argument specifies the range that contains the lookup values. Here are a couple points to keep in mind with this argument. First, for a Table_array to work, the leftmost column of the table must be the matching value.

For instance, if you’re trying to match product numbers, the leftmost column of the lookup table must contain product numbers. Second, notice that the reference used for this argument is an absolute reference. This means the column and row references are prefixed with dollar ($) signs. This ensures that the references don’t shift while you copy the formulas down or across. • Col_index_num: The Col_index_num argument identifies the column number in the lookup table that contains the value to be returned.

The Vlookup Book Pdf Chandoo DashboardThe Vlookup Book Pdf Chandoo Dashboard

In the example in the figure, the second column contains the product name (the value being looked up), so the formula uses the number 2. If the product name column was the fourth column in the lookup table, the number 4 would be used. • Range_lookup: The Range_lookup argument specifies whether you’re looking for an exact match or an approximate match.

If an exact match is needed, you’d enter FALSE for this argument. If the closest match will do, you’d enter TRUE or leave the argument blank.

Today lets talk about Excel books. The question is simple. What is your favorite Excel book? Please share your answers using comments. I will go first. My favorite Excel books Since I use a variety of Excel features, I have not one but 5 favorite books.

This is an all round book that offers excellent details, examples and feature explanations. You can get the same book for or too. This is my go to book for all things VBA. I have it on my desk most of the time and just flip thru it to grasp a new concept or solidify something I already know. This is my go to book for Power Pivot.

I must have read it a dozen times already and just love Rob’s prose & explanation style. More on design level. I rely on this book to come up with amazing dashboard designs you see here. And of course, I got to love my own. It is a comprehensive book on Excel lookup formulas.

What about you? Go ahead and tell us what is your favorite Excel book?

Share using comments please.. More recommended Excel books: If you are looking to get an Excel book (always a good idea), apart from those mentioned above, I also recommend these books. • • • Note about book links: All the book links mentioned in this post are affiliate links. That means if you purchase the book after clicking link on my page, I will get a few cents commission from Amazon.

I recommend these books because I read them several times, I really love them, and I would have recommended them even if there is no affiliate commission. Whilst I have your own books and those of Mr Excel and Rob Collie, my three all time favourites, after learning my skills at are as follows: 'Excel is fun' by Michael Girvan (free).

It accompanies his youtube free lessons and is itself free. Aside of the actual lessons, seeing how various functions and processes are applied is an education in itself and has uncovered so much of the power of Excel to me '30 Excel functions in 30 days' by Debra Dalgliesh ($10). Debra is the queen of advanced Excel application and this summary with the downloaded files is excellent to refer to on a daily basis. 'Outside the Box' by Bob Umlas (£7.77 from Amazon uk).

I discovered this after a chandoo lesson on summing regions. The tips are really off the wall and so insighthful that they inspired me to really experiment with Excel and VBA to create the smallest but most effective routines as tools. Chandoo, I think you could also ask your readers what sites and MVPs or influential people they have discovered through Excel; Stephen Few, Charlie Kyd, John Tukey are my immediate thoughts of people that have impacted on use of Excel directly and therefore my life. Thank you for all you've given and happy motoring.

Nope, you're all wrong. The best Excel book of all time is Professional Excel Development.

The second edition is by Bovey, Wallentin, Bullen, and Green; the first was by Bovey, Bullen, and Green. Walkenbach's books are good, of course. The Jelen/Alexander and Dalgleish pivot table books are both good.

Excel 2002 VBA and Excel 2007 VBA books are solid; the 2003 edition was ghost written by someone else and it suffered. Liengme and de Levie have each written decent books on using Excel for scientific applications, and Carlberg has a good volume on managing data inExcel. Without a doubt - Create Dynamic Charts in MS-Office Excel 2007 and Beyond by Reinhold Scheck! The rS1.Method is what really woke me up to a structured workbook. No matter what you put in it, if you can't open your workbook several months later and know exactly what every cell is for - you can't reasonably expect others to do so.

This book has helped me develop a discipline in how I create workbooks and models. Creating dynamic models from a structured underlying base is so much easier now. All the books listed are great (and I can't think of one I don't have yet!:)) - but this one book by Mr. Scheck is what really moved me from beating the snot out of Excel to make it work to now being able to gently coax Excel into going above and beyond. Highly recommend this one - no matter what version of Excel you're on - I'm on 2013 and I still use the methodologies from this book. And if you ever want to learn everything you can on the =OFFSET function - well this book makes =OFFSET dance!

Cheers, Gino. Gino- I read this book and while I found the tricks and design in it to be really powerful, I felt the authors digressions were a little much. I've heard it was translated from German so who knows how that affected it:). Also, I loved the idea behind the rs1 method, but I've tried twice to implement something like it and people despised the complexity of the method and it never stuck. It's one of those methods that if everyone isn't trained on it, it becomes nearly impossible to implement. If you work independently, it's great - but it if you work on a team, you've got a lot of work to do to train people on it and force them to maintain.

I have two lists: 1) Current Favorite books and 2) All Time Favorite books. Current Favorite books (criterion for selection to list is how often I use it currently): 1) Excel 2013 In Depth by Bill Jelen. 2) DAX Formulas for PowerPivot by Rob Collie. 3) Modern Business Statistics for Excel 2013, 5th edition, by Anderson, Sweeney & Williams. 4) PivotTable Data Crunching Excel 2013 by Bill Jelen. 5) Charts and Graphs Excel 2013 by Bill Jelen.

All Time Favorite books (criterion for selection to list is how dramatically it changed the way I use Excel): 1) The Elements of Spreadsheet Style by Nevison, 1987. 2) Mr Excel On Excel by Bill Jelen, 2003. 3) Learn Excel from Mr Excel by Bill Jelen, 2005. 4) Modern Business Statistics for Excel, 3rd edition, by Anderson, Sweeney & Williams, 2005. 5) PivotTable Data Crunching by Bill Jelen and Michael Alexander, 2006. 6) DAX Formulas for PowerPivot by Rob Collie, 2013.

7) Managing Data with Microsoft Excel by Conrad Carlberg, 2004. 8) Excel Hacks by Hawley, 2004. I work with accountants by day. For them and others dealing with financial data, there is only one set of books and online classes I recommend: Anything by Jeff Lenning, CPA (from Click Consulting)!

Amazon: There are two volumes in this series (so far). Jeff addresses the tools financial people need to crunch data and work quickly. Versions 2010 and 2013.

Excel University: Microsoft Excel Training for CPAs and Accounting Professionals: Volume 1 by Jeff Lenning Excel University: Microsoft Excel Training for CPAs and Accounting Professionals: Volume 2 by Jeff Lenning He also teaches online courses. Well, I have purchased some Excel books in my life but my three alltime favorites are 1. Das Excel Profi Seminar (The Excel Professional Seminar) by Reinhold Scheck 2. Dashboard Reporting with Excel by Charley Kyd 3.

Excel Das Zauberbuch (The Excel Magic Book) by Fleckenstein, Fricke, Georgi You see from my list that 1 and 3 are German and I am from Germany as well. What I especially liked about Scheck's book (#1) was his rS1 Method which really helped me a lot to structure my workbooks and - as Gino said - do the Waltz with =OFFSET. Thanks for this great post and all the inspiration, really looking forward to Stephen Few's book to arrive and think about ordering Mike Girvin's and Bob Umlas' books as well. My favorite Excel book isn't actually a book but a PDF. It's Chandoo's Excel Formula 1. It's super basic, with easy to follow internal links to the most commonly used formulas broken down by math, logical, text, lookup, statistical, date/time & financial. I use it for quick reference all the time.

After that would have to be Excel 2013 Formulas by John Walkenbach. All of Chandoo's and Walkenbach's books are extremely useful tools for learning, developing and mastering all of Excel's powerful offerings. This is beginning to read like a 'who's who' in Excel; Rob Collie, Debra Dalgliesh, Stephen Few, Mike Girvin, Bill Jelen, Charley Kyd, Jon Peltier, Bob Umlas, John Walkenbach (clearly not definitive or objective). This site has not only taught and inspired its readers but become a means to share ideas and magnanimously provide a centrepoint where others like Chandoo to be discovered by the community. I've listed several books and experts that I'm adding to my Excel master list of reference material.

I love the Walkenbach and Mr. Ultimately I think is the best of the best, book or not!

99% of what I know I attribute to I present problems on MrExcel, OzGrid and several other sites and the one that always comes through is Here lately I hardly ever ask questions on the other forums because I never seem to get an answer. Is my main goto guru. No matter if it is VBA, formulas or functions he always has a solution. I have learned more off Chandoo than any other place I visit. Right now I am trying to convince my boss to send me to Chandoo's school's over the Microsoft Certification.

Chandoo is the best of everything period! I want to thank each and everyone on this site who contributes and Chandoo for providing this site. Sincerely, Mike McCarty (Msquared). Free Download Crack For Autocad 2010 here. Read this when first posted and saw a couple of positive recommendations for Data Smart by John Foreman. Looked it up, bought it, received it Sunday, now half way through the book. It's awesome. Clear, funny and makes more complex analysis methods easy to understand.

Also got VBA and Macros by Jelen and Systad sitting on my desk at work, gets referred to often. Information Dashboard Design by Stephen Few - not stictly Excel but applies to a lot of the work I do in Excel on presenting information in the most effective way. My favourite Excel book is Microsoft Excel Business Sourcebook by Charles W Kyd, ISBN 1-55615-133-0 published in 1988. When I bought this book I was still using Lotus Symphony and adapted most of Charley's models for use with that software. Charley (like Chandoo) is an awesome Excel expert and I still follow his web site. It is quite interesting to note that many of the techniques explained by Charley some 26 years ago are still appearing in answers to questions posed today by Excel newbies.

It just goes to show that so many years ago Charley got it so right! If you have an opportunity please take a look at this book.