Max To C4d Serial
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Max To C4d Serial

Max To C4d Serial

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Max To C4d Serial

Some of my collegues at work are Cinema 4D users, one of them is highly motivated to learn new softwares and decided to try out max, as it's the main software we use for 3D here, for now at least. I told him a good reason for knowing max is the much wider use in industry, in fact Maya or Max are very important tools for every 3D artist to have at least a little knowledge. However, he couldn't stand with max for more than 2 days. It was really funny (sad to be honest), and I wanted to share how it was and why. He did a sequence of a lot of questions that I hardly could give answers without having to use words like 'but', 'however' and the like.

-The pain really started opening max. Max 2010 takes so long to open that he thought the computer stopped responding. It takes longer than windows to start, and that's no joke. Even after opening it once, it's waaay too slow in 2010. Cinema 4D on the other hand is one of the fastest program to open, only losing for Blender. -As his main task here is modelling, I explained that he should use Editable Poly for that.

Then he asked: 'Why there's an Editable Mesh and Poly?' , so I said:'Back in the day.bla bla bla.Editable Poly is a newer and more advanced way of manipulating geometry in max.' , we all know the story. -Right after that he asked: 'How to subdivide the mesh like HyperNURBS in C4D?'

, then I told him: 'Well, you have Turbosmooth and Meshsmooth', then he said: 'Why two?' , me: 'Well, back in the day.bla bla bla.their 'optimizations' on subdivisions is a new modifier that results on a mesh and not on a poly like meshsmooth. Turbosmooth is what you will use the most, BUT it's buggy and can cause some problems sometimes, then you should use Meshsmooth that is more stable BUT slower.'

-After that he created a cube, converted to poly and applied a Turbosmooth on it. Then he asked: 'Is there a way to see isolines in Max?'

, me: 'Yes, in Turbosmooth turn 'isolines' mode on, BUT we can't model with them, only to see', he: 'But what's the use of isolines then???' , me: 'Good question.' He did turned on, the option didn't work (that never happened to me), so I said to apply a Meshsmooth instead of Turbosmooth, then it worked. He closed max, opened it again, and 1 minute later we continued.

-So we went deeper into poly modelling. I thought he would like since now with polyboost there are lot's of cool stuff. The very first tool he asked about was Tweak, like in XSI or Maya. Then I told him: 'Max doesn't have a tweak tool like Cinema, but we can 'fake' one: Change the selection mode in Editable Poly to Multi, use Alt+RMB and set the coordinate space to screen and press X to turn the move gizmo off.' Even with all those steps, he tried to not create obstacles and found ok.

Then I continued: 'BUT the preselection highlight doesn't work with show end result on, so you can't see symmetry or turbosmooth when using it, but the tool still works, so you will not be sure of what it's going to move (a vertex, edge or face)'. Then a friend and veteran max user too that was freelancing here said: 'Hey, use Edit Poly, it works there.' The Cinema guy said: 'Funny, but if it works that's fine.' , but I said: 'Yeah, BUT Edit Poly is a lot slower then Editable Poly so it may become slow for more complex stuff and by default the shortcuts are completely different from Editable Poly, then it's best to first match the shortcuts for both Edit and Editable Poly'.

-Trying to find something cool to show him, since up to now his max first impression was pretty bad, I decided to show him the Swift Loop and Loop Tools from Graphite, that I find really great. What a mistake. When he moved the mouse to open the graphite tools for the first time, it took almost the same that Cinema 4D itself to start.

It was configured with the 3 main tabs appearing only. He quickly asked: 'Does it always take this long to start???' , me: 'No, just the first time you open it.' He then started looking at the tools in there. Finally I showed him Swift Loop: 'This is one of the most useful tools IMHO, you cand select, add, remove and slide loops only with this tool.

BUT now in max 2010 the slide always slide the entire loop, and not only the selected edges like the old Polyboost.' He liked quite a lot too anyway, especially because Cinema doesn't have a slide loop like max (but there is a free plugin for that matter). While still trying to find the best method for viewing the tools, he wanted to try out Swift Loop again, but couldn't find it. Not even me was able to find it at first, then when I did he quickly said: 'Strange, I could swear I've seen the name of the tool before.'

, then I told him: 'Yeah, it changes layout so depending on the context or amount of tools the names may or may not be displayed.' , he said: 'So we have to memorize the tools and icon positions depending on layout or context??? He lost almost completely the interest to even look at Loop Tools by then, but I showed him anyway. He found really strong and cool, but was completely scared about learning max. I told him that the best way to work with max is a heavy customization, especially on shortcuts.

Creating custom quads too BUT as they cannot be saved individually, it's complicated to load them in newer max versions, as they usually add or change stuff on them very often. -Anyway he downloaded the demo at home to try it out with time. But the next day he came to me and said: 'Man, I gave up on max, it has some nice tools but the workflow is too wonky and it crashed 3x only this night.'

I think it's valid to share this experience, as it shows quite well a lot of what bad features implementation can cause to new users and how they mess up our workflow everyday. This is and always was my biggest gripe with Autodesk and Max developent. The lack of planning on feature implementation and productivity overall makes me sick, not to mention when they change stuff that works fine, making things worse. And that have been happening progressively since max 8.

Graphite is the gratest and most severe example. I mean, in 10 seconds I've seen things that are so wrong in anything about interface design that I was shocked. Budidaya Pepaya Calina Pdf To Jpg.

And they plan to make the whole max interface like that! How long max will take to start then?

10 minutes??? They clearly haven't even take a look on how other softwares approached their interfaces.

If you ever have used Cinema 4D you know what I'm talking about. It has an incredibly flexible and smart interface and is very very fast. Max interface is the most 'rigid' and the least flexible of all 3D app out there, desperately needing a huge update, and all the biggest company in the world of 3D apps was able to bring us is a ribbon like interface, Graphite??? I will finish speculating about what I THINK XBR is all about. My guess is that it's a strong modification on.max file format, allowing to open in previews max versions and other things like command line access. I think it relates to plugin development too, like plugins don't having to be recompiled all the time.

And for the last it's about the 'ribbonization' of the interface. I expect those 3 things to be deeply related to XBR at least. Hello Eugene, I am a trainer and I specialize in 3DS Max. I found your story very funny and I have every day the same type of discussion. I often find myself in too many situations, for example, my students asked me questions about why Max and not Maya?

Or vice versa. I believe that this is also your nightmare:) Unfortunately many of the things that your colleagues have asked questions are often 'natural'. I truly believe in 3DS Max and I know for a long time and often the software I have a simple answer. 3DS retains many plugins as a matter of compatibility with old files or 3ds retains some simple tools that are very quick to setup compared to other complexes that are used by very experienced leaders. I teach the latest software to explain to my students that many things are outdated and are part of a history of software. 3ds has an open architecture that works with the powers of plugins.

We often forget that 3DS has been one of the first software ever to have modifiers parametric, parametric primitives and many, many, many other. Today we see a lot of software that have taken a cue from the power of MAX.

Maya, C4D were not yet born when the 3DS was Thud project! To date, for many users is the 'normal' to have modifiers and many other things but I say thanks to Autodesk for having had the insight to listen to people like Tom Hudson, Jon A.

Bell, Gary Yost. The efforts of the Autodesk development center and betatester is very impressive and very soon we will see big surprises:))).

It would be absurd for many users leave the functions used for years. I think it is important to have time to devote to software, one night is not enough. I am sure that knowledge is the basis of a correct choice.

3Ds is 19 years old (other 8 years from Tom Hudson) Knowledge is the foundation of our strength. 3ds is the best:) Dario Passariello. First thanks for taking the time reading and aswering my post.:) The main goal of my post is not to blame max, not to say that something else is better nor anything like that. I just wanted to show, with a real world example, the mess max have reached now, where it's hard to find a workflow that is not interrupted or affected by a bad design or bug. You see, I find it completely ironical while they put a viewcube and other 'noobie' like features to easier the life of people who don't know max very well, some trivial aspects of the program are not working quite right, making things harder and confusing for the very same people.

And the most important, and most frustrating, is when they have the chance to turn the game and do something right, everything fails completely. Read Graphite. It's hard to believe there was any study on a good interface replacement for max, it feels more like they just got the last interface stuff from MS (that max relies so much), being crap or not, and are updating max based on that. Because let's be honest, if there was any research on interface replacement for max, I doubt it would wind up being a ribbon like interface.

And if MS decided to create an interface that works upside down, max one day or another would have to follow that. At least it's how it looks like. I'm pretty curious to see what max 2011 is going to be. But I'm far from holding my breath. Actually, I'm wondering more what workflow they are going to change (destroy, really) this time.