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Download Megaman X5 Save Game

PSX Mega Man X5 (USA) in 16:38.18 by Bernka. (date: 2012-01-20) (size: 107.73 MB, length: 21:03) (size: 123.88 MB, length: 21:03) — Author's comments (16:51.08) Rating: 7.9 - - - In an effort to avoid the status quo, Capcom decided to experiment, throwing in a leveling system and story-based launch scenarios. Beyond that, it's really just a Mega Man X Zero game. This is the first game in the series to allow character choice before each stage. Zero is chosen as often as possible, leaving X behind to gather dust. The abusable sword physics highlight Zero's superiority, especially when the sword is used while standing on the ground.

Download Megaman X5 Save Game

Aug 25, 2014. View Publication, - Takes damage to save time - Uses hardest difficulty - Genre: Platform. In an effort to avoid the status quo, Capcom decided to experiment, throwing in a leveling system and story-based launch scenarios. Beyond that, it's really just a Mega Man X Zero game. This is the first game in the.

Bosses fall very quickly, even when they have 127 health. See and the for an explanation of how these tricks work. There are about 5 minutes of action in this run, which consist mostly of flying through levels and a boss rush on the hardest difficulty mode, Xtreme. This run is 12.90 seconds faster than the run. We also have a and a. PSX Mega Man X5 (USA) 'all stages' in 43:38.93 by Shuy_ & Bernka. (date: 2014-05-27) (size: 193.21 MB, length: 47:37) (size: 194.96 MB, length: 47:37) — Author's comments (44:04.43) Rating: 7.5 - - - - This is a TAS of Megaman X Zero 5 on Xtreme difficulty that completes all stages as fast as possible.

This run improves the previous one by about 26 seconds. Watch it to learn how to ignore backseat drivers, or find out why swords are superior to guns. We also have a which only plays the stages necessary to complete the game. There is also available.

PSX Mega Man X5 (USA) in 16:51.08. (date: 2010-06-15) (size: 130.16 MB, length: 21:16) — Author's comments (16:58.68) Rating: 7.0 - - - This movie has been obsoleted! Click to see the movie that obsoleted it. In an effort to avoid status quo, Capcom decided to experiment with this game, throwing in a leveling system and story-based launch scenarios. Beyond that, it's really just a Mega Man X game Zero game.

This game is the first Mega Man game to allow choosing, each stage, one of two playable characters, X or Zero. However Zero is judged as the greater of the two, so X is left behind gathering dust. The abuse-able sword physics points to Zero's superiority, especially when the sword is used while standing on the ground. Bosses fall very quickly, even when they have 127 health. The downside to Zero's sword is the delay when the sword hits in the air. There is about 5 minutes of action in this run, which consists mostly of flying through levels and boss rush on the hardest difficulty mode, Xtreme.

This run is ~8 seconds faster than the run. We also have a which completes all stages. PSX Mega Man X5 (USA) 'all stages' in 44:04.43 by Angerfist & Atma. (date: 2009-11-21) (size: 225.42 MB, length: 47:28) — Author's comments Rating: 7.2 - - - This movie has been obsoleted! Click to see the movie that obsoleted it. This is a TAS of Megaman X Zero 5 on Xtreme difficulty that completes all stages as fast as possible.

Watch it to learn how to ignore backseat drivers or find out why swords are superior to guns. We also have a which only plays the stages necessary to complete the game. The torrent was replaced on 12-20-09 with a newer version that fixes some sound issues in the previous encode. PSX Mega Man X5 (USA) in 16:58.68 by Atma. (date: 2009-04-13) (size: 61.21 MB, length: 20:49) — Author's comments Rating: 7.5 - - - This movie has been obsoleted!

Click to see the movie that obsoleted it. In an effort to avoid status quo, Capcom decided to experiment with this game, throwing in a leveling system and story-based launch scenarios.

Beyond that, it's really just a Mega Man X game Zero game. This game is the first Mega Man game to allow choosing, each stage, one of two playable characters, X or Zero. However Zero is judged as the greater of the two, so X is left behind gathering dust. The abusable sword physics points to Zero's superiority, especially when the sword is used while standing on the ground. Bosses fall very quickly, even when they have 127 health. The downside to Zero's sword is the delay when the sword hits in the air, which explains why only 14 non-bosses were killed, as many as bosses. There is about 5 minutes of action in this run, which consists mostly of flying through levels and boss rush on the hardest difficulty mode, Xtreme.

We also have a which completes all stages. Usually, bosses have 60 (X4) or 30 (X5, X6) frames of invincibility after getting hit from attacks other than Zero's first or second slash, or attacks they don't take damage from.

But some exceptions exist: • Magma Dragoon (X4): Has only 30 frames of invincibility after each hit, rather than 60 frames like all other bosses from this game. • Web Spider (X4): Gains invincibility after getting hit by Zero's first and second slash. • Cyber Peacock (X4): Gains invincibility after getting hit by Zero's first and second slash. • Frost Walrus (X4): Gains invincibility after getting hit by Zero's first and second slash.

• Blaze Heatnix (X6): When hit, regardless of which attack, will always trigger a 'stunned' state, stopping his attack and giving him a long period of invincibility. This only doesn't happen when he does certain attacks. During these attacks, he has normal invincibility when attacked. • Infinity Mijinion (X6): When hit by a saber (either by X or by Zero), he'll always trigger a 'stunned' state and gain invincibility.

Z-Saber regular Air Slash vs. Kuuenzan (X4).

North American PlayStation cover art Director(s) Koji Okohara Tatsuya Minami Toyozumi Sakai Akiteru Naka Haruki Suetsugu Ryuji Higurashi Naoto Tanaka Naoya Kamisaka Takuya Miyawaki,,,, Release PlayStation •: November 30, 2000 •: February 1, 2001 •: August 3, 2001 Windows •: July 30, 2001 •: August 15, 2001 •: May 24, 2002 •: August 20, 2002 PlayStation Network •: September 9, 2014 •: December 17, 2014, Mode(s) Mega Man X5, known as Rockman X5 ( ロックマンX5) in Japan, is a developed. It is the fifth main installment in the series. It was first released for the for Japan in 2000 and in North America and the following year.

Mega Man X5 is set in the 22nd century in a world where humans coexist with humanoid called 'Reploids'. Daily life is under a constant threat of these Reploids going 'Maverick' and participating in dangerous and deadly crime. After the events of, the Maverick leader has been revived and seeks to unlock the true power of the former Maverick and destroy the hero in the process. To make matters worse, Sigma has set the space colony Eurasia on a 16-hour collision course with Earth.

It is up to X and Zero to stop Sigma once again and save the planet from destruction. Like its predecessors, Mega Man X5 is an - in which the player controls either protagonist through a series of eight, selectable stages and wins the special weapon of each stage's boss.

However, the game only offers limited number of stage attempts before the player must deal with the colony. According to Capcom producer, Mega Man X5 was originally intended to be the final game in the Mega Man X saga. Critical reception for the game was lukewarm, with many reviewers agreeing that the stale gameplay formula will only further satisfy diehard fans of the series. Mega Man X5 was to the (PC) in 2002 in both Japan and North America. It was also re-released in 2006 as part of the for the and. Mega Man X5 was made available on the as part of the PSOne Classics line for North America and Japan in 2014. See also: Like other entries in the series, Mega Man X5 takes place in '21XX', an unspecified year in the 22nd century, where months have passed since the events of Mega Man X4 humans have adapted to life with intelligent dubbed 'Reploids'.

The series' primary antagonist, a 'Maverick' Reploid named has been revived once again. Sigma begins conducting research on the origin and design of the 'Maverick Hunter' and decides to discover how to unlock Zero's true power, hoping to destroy Sigma's nemesis in addition.

Sigma attacks the Maverick Hunters directly, intending to lose. When he does, he spreads a Maverick across the Earth, throwing it into chaos. Meanwhile, a Reploid named Dynamo is hired by Sigma to make the space colony Eurasia collide with Earth. The Hunters have only 16 hours to stop the collision. In order to prevent Eurasia from striking the planet, the Hunters pursue two options. The first option is to fire a powerful cannon called 'Enigma' at Eurasia, vaporizing it.

If the Enigma shot fails, the second option is to launch a space shuttle and pilot it into the colony, destroying it. To maximize their chances, X and Zero are dispatched to collect parts for the two devices with the aid of their new teammates,, and. The necessary parts to upgrade the Enigma and shuttle are held by eight Mavericks, and X and Zero must defeat them to claim the parts.

Whether the Enigma and shuttle succeed or fail is randomly determined by the game, although the Enigma's chances of working successfully are low even with all its parts, while the shuttle has a much higher probability of succeeding assuming all of the parts are collected. Whether the Enigma succeeds or fails, a new virus appears on the Earth, noted by Alia as the Sigma virus combining with the scraps from the colony. If the Enigma or the shuttle succeeds, X and Zero proceed to hunt for the cause of the virus. If the shuttle fails or if the time expires, the colony crashes, nearly destroying the planet; Zero then is infected by the virus.

In either case, once the location of the virus' origin is discovered, the Hunters investigate. X and Zero penetrate a bizarre underground fortress.

In the fortress, X and Zero cross paths, where mutual suspicion and mistrust leads to a duel between the heroes. After the duel, the story diverges slightly. If Zero goes Maverick as a result of the virus, he sacrifices himself to save X from Sigma, and X continues on alone to defeat Sigma. If Zero does not go Maverick, he saves X and himself from Sigma, and both have a chance to confront Sigma. Mega Man X5 has three possible endings.

If Zero goes Maverick, X defeats Sigma, but is badly damaged. A mysterious figure recovers him, but also deletes all his memories of Zero. If Zero does not go Maverick, Sigma decides to make the Hunters' victory for naught by taking them down with him. X tries to save Zero but is ambushed by Sigma and both Hunters are critically damaged. Zero manages to finish Sigma off, then the endings diverge again depending on the player character. If Zero defeats Sigma, he reflects on his origin and life before dying.

If X defeats Sigma, he inherits Zero's beam saber weapon and continues to fight as a Maverick Hunter. Gameplay [ ] The main gameplay remains the same. Unlike X4, the player can freely switch between both the shooter X and the swordsman Zero while playing through the game. Depending on which character the player uses to start it, the other one will be affected negatively with X losing his X4 armor and Zero losing his buster. There are four armors for X—his Ultimate Armor, the upgraded armor from Mega Man X4, and two others that must be assembled from capsules.

However, X cannot wear parts of these armors separately. X can also no longer shoot his buster through walls, and each character has the ability to duck. Zero is able to find and enter Dr. Light's capsules, however, he cannot use the armor parts given, instead retaining the part to bring to X. However, if Zero reaches the capsule that contains X's Ultimate Armor, Dr. Light will offer the 'Black Zero' Armor instead of the Ultimate Armor that enhances his abilities.

Besides regular enemies and bosses, X and Zero can be chased by a phantom virus that will try to infect the characters. If X is sufficiently infected by enough viruses, he will enter a state where his health rapidly declines. However, if Zero is sufficiently infected, he becomes briefly invincible, with increased attack power.

At any point between levels, the player has the option of firing the Enigma at the Eurasia. If the Enigma misses, then the player has the option of launching the shuttle. Whether the crash is prevented or not is determined by random chance. If the crash is not prevented, the course of the story is changed.

Due to the nature of the storyline, there are multiple endings. Whether X or Zero is used to defeat the last boss also affects which ending is seen. Development [ ] Mega Man X5 was originally meant to be the last game of the Mega Man X series. As stated by producer, 'I had very little to do with X5. I just told the team to 'finish off the series with this title,' and left it at that. That's why the game itself has a real feel of finality to it.'

However, Capcom decided to publish the following year, in which Zero survived his fight from X5, much to the dismay of Inafune. Haruki Suetsugu, an artist for Mega Man X4, designed nearly all of the characters and promotional artwork for Mega Man X5.

Suetsugu added various details to set the characters apart from one another. X's new Falcon Armor was designed by Ryuji Higurashi, who wanted it to resemble a bird with beak-shaped chest piece, wings coming out of the back, and a talon-like arm cannon. Suetsugu designed the Gaea Armor, which was meant to resemble Sanagiman from the series.

The Maverick bosses in the English localization of Mega Man X5 are named after members of the American band. Capcom voice actress, who was involved in the game's localization, came up with the new names as a tribute to her then-husband's love of the band. The for Mega Man X5 was composed by Naoto Tanaka, Naoya Kamisaka, and Takuya Miyawaki. The Japanese version of Mega Man X5 features one opening theme, 'Monkey', and one closing theme, 'Mizu no Naka' ( 水の中, Inside the Water), both composed and performed by and his band. All of the game's instrumental and vocal music was compiled on the soundtrack released by Suleputer in 2003. The theme songs were also included on the, published by Suleputer in 2002. Reception [ ] Reception Aggregate scores Aggregator Score 73% 76 out of 100 Review scores Publication Score 6.83 out of 10 5 out of 10 B 7.1 out of 10 8.5 out of 10 2/10 Mega Man X5 was generally well-received, with IGN giving the game an 8.5 out of 10.

However, they added that though the game was fun to play, it was 'more of the same' from Capcom, and that Mega Man, like many other series made by Capcom, was being milked for as much as it was worth. GameSpot similarly commented that 'Fans of the classic 2D games will no doubt find much to love in X5, while those who can't get into the aging conventions and mechanics probably won't care a great deal for it.' The Official UK PlayStation Magazine said that the game was 'unforgivably primitive'. According to the Japanese publication, Mega Man X5 was the third best-selling video game in Japan during its release week at 46,033 copies sold. It placed at number eight the following week with an additional 22,963 copies sold.

Sales information showed that the game was 96th best-selling video game in Japan during 2000. Reported that Mega Man X5 sold a total of 215,687 copies in Japan by the end of 2001, listing it as the 132nd best-selling game of the year in the region.

The game was eventually re-released as part of Sony's range of budget titles in Japan. Toy Retail Sales Tracking (TRST) sales data showed that Mega Man X5 was the fifth best-selling PlayStation game in North America for the month of February 2001. The game was included on the North American for the and in 2006. References [ ]. • (Press release)..

February 1, 2001. Archived from on December 31, 2004. Retrieved 2010-07-12. • ^ Mega Man X: Official Complete Works..

January 6, 2010. Retrieved 2011-09-04. • Capcom staff. [PC Rockman X5] (in Chinese).. Archived from on July 24, 2012. Retrieved March 7, 2012. Retrieved December 27, 2011.

• Capcom (January 2001). Sony PlayStation.. Alia: We have no choice.

For the sake of the world, we must destroy the Colony! But the only weapon we have in the Hunter Base that still works is. And it's very old. We also have a space shuttle.

But, it's been affected by the Virus, and the Auto-Pilot function doesn't work. So we need someone to fly it to the Colony and let it collide. It's almost certain death, but we have no other choice. / Signas: How's the condition of the Enigma? / Douglas: Far from perfect.

In order to use the Enigma, we need to build it up with some devices. The Enigma doesn't work as is.

/ Signas: Under the influence of the Sigma Virus, a lot of Maverick Hunters have become Mavericks, and only a few hunters remain normal. Let's join forces with the rest of our brothers and complete the Enigma! • Capcom (January 2001). Sony PlayStation.. X: Why weren't you damaged even though you have been infected by the virus?

In fact, you have become more powerful with the infection?! This isn't the time to fight when we have a mission to accomplish, but. I'll bring you back by any means. / Zero: You say you'll bring me back to the base even if you have to fight me? X, you can't dare to fight me.

Your big heart. That is your kindness and your weakness. I'm okay.Trust me. I don't want to lose you.

I'm really worried about you. And I do trust you.That's why I have to fight you here to bring you back. • Capcom (January 2001).

Sony PlayStation.. Sigma: You'd almost fully evolved to your true self. It's a shame you didn't quite make it, Zero.

You had so much potential. Oh well, farewell!'s only you now, X. I will let you live this time. But I won't be so kind next time, and there WILL be a next time! See you soon! The strongest Reploid!

• Sigma: Blast! I haven't completed you. I will retreat for now. Somehow I know you two will come again. I'll be waiting for you, ha ha ha.

/ Zero: Wait! Sigmaaaa!I WILL defeat you. Without fail!! • Capcom (January 2001). Sony PlayStation..

Hunter B.You see? Captain Zero and Captain X are both special A level Hunters for all to see. You worked together and solved a lot of problems. / X: I remember Sigma. His name doesn't leave me.

But I don't have any memory of Zero. Maybe whoever repaired me deleted the data by mistake.

• Capcom (January 2001). Sony PlayStation.. Sigma: Gha ha ha ha ha! X seems to be somewhere close.

The three of us can die together. You won't feel lonely if X is with you. Leave X out of this! / Sigma: Time to go!

Say goodbye, Zero! Ghaa ha ha ha ha ha!! • Capcom (January 2001). Sony PlayStation..

X: I can face any enemy now. I will feel this way. As long as I have this Saber. I'll do it today, Zero.

Forever. Naruto Shippuden Ninja Generations Mugen Special Moves here. We'll be together.Zero. • ^ Lopez, Miguel (February 8, 2001)... Retrieved 2010-06-24. • ^ Johnny Liu (February 1, 2001)... Retrieved 2010-07-05. • Hoffman, Chris (April 2004). 'The Best Damn Mega Man Feature.

Vol. 3 no. 4. • Hoffman, Chris (January 2008). 'Mega Man 20/20'.. • Goulter, Tom (May 2, 2011)... Retrieved 2011-05-17. • (in Japanese).. Archived from on 2003-08-04.

Retrieved 2011-02-27. • (in Japanese). Archived from on 2003-12-14. Retrieved 2011-02-27. • [Rockman Theme Song Collection ] (in Japanese).. Archived from on August 10, 2003.

Retrieved December 18, 2011. Retrieved 2010-06-24. Retrieved December 16, 2011.

February 2001. Archived from on February 11, 2001.

• Bramwell, Tom (August 9, 2001)... Retrieved 2010-06-24. • Bro Buzz (January 26, 2001)... Archived from on 2007-05-10.

Retrieved 2010-07-05. • ^ Zdyrko, David (February 2, 2001).. Retrieved 2010-06-24. February 2001. Archived from on April 18, 2001. • MegaMan X5 game review, Official UK PlayStation Magazine, issue 73 • IGN Staff (December 14, 2000)..

Retrieved 2010-06-22. • IGN Staff (December 21, 2000)..

Retrieved 2010-06-22. • (in Japanese).

Retrieved 2010-06-22. • IGN Staff (January 11, 2002).. Retrieved 2010-06-22.

• (in Japanese).. Retrieved December 16, 2011. • IGN Staff (March 19, 2001).. Archived from on July 17, 2012. Retrieved 2010-07-11.

• Dunham, Jeremy (January 10, 2006)... Retrieved 2010-06-08. External links [ ] • (in Japanese) •.