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Table of Contens 1. Introduction 2. Present Situation 3. The New Civil Rights Dispute 3.1. Opposition: Biblical and Natural Law Arguments 3.2. Support: Liberal and Constitutional Arguments 3.3. Proposition 4.

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Children of Homosexual Parents 5. Example: The Life of a Californian Lesbian Couple 5. Conclusion 6.

Umgangsformen Heirat Ehe Pdf Creator

Bibliography 7. Attachments Interview 1. Introduction The dream of an America with boundless possibilities has shaped the American society over centuries. As the historian James Truslow Adams defined the phrase “The American Dream“ in 1931, it is the “dream of a land, in that life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with the opportunity for each according to ability or achievement“ and in that everyone should “be recognized by others for what they are, regardless of the furtuitous circumstances of birth or position” 1. The idea of the American dream is rooted in the United States´ Declaration of Independence which declares that “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” 2.

However there are issues like homosexuality and same-sex marriage that, with regard to the ban on same-sex marriage present in most of the United States, seem to be contrary to the notion of the American Dream. Thus one has to ask: Don´t gays/lesbians deserve the Pursuit of Happiness and the same rights as heterosexuals? Does marriage fit in as an inalienable right?

Or quite simply, does denying same-sex marriage conflict with the American Dream? In the following I am going to deal with those questions under close examination of the present situation in the United States, same-sex marriage beeing the new civil rights dispute and in that context the supporting and opposing arguments, as well as the California ballot Propositon 8 and the situation of children of gay parents. Further I am going to include the results of an interview with a lesbian couple that lives in North California with its 7 year old daughter. Present Situation At present there are approximately 1. Download Soal Psikotes Pdf Free. 2 Million gay couples living in the United States, so the total number of gay couples amounts to about 594,391. Thereof, with a quantity of 92,138, California is the state with the most gay couples. Altogether gay people make up 1-4% of the population in all cities and especially concentrate in metropolian areas like Washington D.C. That registers the highest concentration of gay couples (1.29%).

3 Yet gay marriage is merely legal in 6 U.S. States –Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire, New York- and Washington D.C. New York solely recognizes out-of-state gay marriages and so does California, however only if the marriage is from before Proposition 8 was passed.

New Jersey recognizes civil unions between same-sex couples and several states have domestic partnership laws that grant certain benefits to them. 4 “On the flip side, thirty states have passed constitutional amendments or laws explicitly banning same-sex marriage”. 5 But on the social level, the general visibility and acceptance of homosexuality has increased, especially during the past few years and especially among younger generations. This is last but not least a consequence of LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) social movements and a soaring awareness due to globalization. As it becomes more and more acceptable for homosexuals to acknowledge their sexual orientations in public, more and more commit themselves to their partners for life.

Hence, as the call for legal gay marriage or equal access to civil marriage for same-sex couples becomes more visible and the issue more public, the imperative to solve the issue also increases. The New Civil Rights Dispute The United States is quite obviously one of the most diverse nations of the world. It is home to people of various races, religions and cultures with various traditions, beliefs and values. While this diversity provides special and irreplacable contribution to the country, it also pulls the trigger for a great number of disputes, civil rights issues beeing the most intense of them. We have seen the colonist successfully fight for their independence and founding the United States of America. We have seen women, campaign for and finally beeing granted the right to vote.

And we have seen the long, brutal struggle of African-Americans eking out their way from slavery, over segregation and racism to eventual freedom and equality. All those people fought for what they believed in and dreamed of, for what they found to be their inalienable right and for what they needed to achieve their own personal Pursuit of Happiness, with social acceptance always coming before the legal. The new, present civil rights dispute centers around homosexuality and, while beeing more and more accepted on the social level, the access for gay people to legal marriage.

The debate confronts a great range of opposing and favoring arguments, that rest upon religion, tradition, history, ethics, politics, and last but not least the quintessence of the American Dream. Opposition: Biblical and Natural Law Arguments The most common oppositional view towards homosexuality is fairly simple. It states that homosexuality is an aberration that requires a cure, so it declares all human beeings as beeing essentially heterosexual. For the sake of simplicity, lets call this view the prohibitionist view. Many of the prohibitionist arguments are based on religious grounds. The Bible, or more precisely the Old Testament professes homosexuality as a breach of the covenant with God.

Add to cart Details Title Does denying same sex-marriage conflict with the American Dream? Grade Sehr Gut Minus (13 Punkte) Author Year 2012 Pages 17 Catalog Number V302228 ISBN (eBook) 188 ISBN (Book) 195 File size 536 KB Language English Series Aus der Reihe: stipendiaten-wissen Tags Price (Book) 13.99 € Price (eBook) 12.99 € Quote paper, 2012, Does denying same sex-marriage conflict with the American Dream?, Munich, GRIN Verlag, Similar texts. About GRIN GRIN Publishing, located in Munich, Germany, has specialized since its foundation in 1998 in the publication of academic ebooks and books. The publishing website offer students, graduates and university professors the ideal platform for the presentation of scientific papers, such as research projects, theses, dissertations, and academic essays to a wide audience. Free Publication of your term paper, essay, interpretation, bachelor's thesis, master's thesis, dissertation or textbook.