Install Ubuntu From Windows Xp
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Install Ubuntu From Windows Xp

When it comes to installing popular Linux flavour, there are so many useful snippets of information on blogs and guides all over the internet. If you Google “How to install Ubuntu”, you’ll see what I mean. Here’s how to install Ubuntu: How To Install Ubuntu Summary • Download Ubuntu • Check if Your Computer will Boot from USB • Make BIOS Changes • Try Ubuntu Before you Install It • Create Bootable USB • Install Ubuntu • Create a username, password, and computer name. You will login with this user id after the installation is complete. For an Ubuntu beginner or curious Windows intermediate user, there’s no single, simple source of information when it comes to getting started. One thing I have noticed is that there’s a lot of technical jargon and sometimes unnecessary terminal commands in lengthy forum posts, but no simple “how to” guides, which I think might put some people off!

Install Ubuntu From Windows Xp

Mar 22, 2013. In recent 2 or 3 years Linux operating systems and its installation has improved in such a manner that I do not see a problem for a NON-IT person to install its own fully functional and productive version of the LINUX on his 'Designed for Microsoft Windows XP' notebook. Despite my believe I have decided to.

A shame, when you think about how easy Ubuntu is to install, use and! Here we explain how to install Ubuntu in the three different ways that it is most commonly installed: (1), (2), (3) or without installing it. Download Ubuntu For you first need to download a Ubuntu.ISO CD image file. In this example we install Ubuntu version 15.10. But it does not matter what version you use. We downloaded Ubuntu using a bittorrent client because the file is over 1GB in size.

Install Ubuntu From Windows Xp

Using torrent lets you resume the download in case there is some interruption. Download it either way you want. It is important that you download the Desktop version. If you download the Server version it will not install any graphical desktop and you will have to add that manually. Check if Your Computer will Boot from USB The only thing slightly complicated about installing Ubuntu might be getting your computer to boot from the USB.

How complicated that is depends on how old your machine is, who is the manufacturer, and what model that you have. You might have to consult the manufacturer’s website for instructions if you cannot find the options discussed below. Here we provide general guidance and not specific click-here-click-there instructions for BIOS.

For example, how to even access the BIOS screen varies by manufacturer and model. Most of the time you can bring that up by pressing the Esc key when the machine is booting. Sonora Carruseles Discografia Completa Descargar Antivirus. Before you change any BIOS settings just stick in a bootable USB Ubuntu drive (Below we explain how to create that.) and see if you machine boots from that. If it does fine: proceed with the installation instructions in the next section. If not, continue with these BIOS instructions. It is important to note that you might have to enable virtualization in BIOS if you are setting up a virtual machine.

Make BIOS Changes You need two things to install Ubuntu from a USB: (1) corrected BIOS settings on your computer to look for an operating system on the USB before it looks to the hard drive for that and (2) a bootable USB (We explain below how to create that.). A bootable USB means one that has a bootable partition on it. In other words you cannot simply copy the Ubuntu ISO to the USB. It needs to be burned on with a tool like Unetbootin, which. Note that with Windows you might have some difficulty replacing Windows with Ubuntu if the manufacturer has enabled Secure Boot. That is enabled by the manufacturer to ensure that you are using a version of Microsoft that someone has actually paid for and not copied. Once you figure out how to bring up the BIOS boot settings, change the UEFI Boot Order to put USB at the top of the list ahead of OS Boot Manager.

If you have Legacy Support enabled then you change the Legacy Support Boot Order instead. Try Ubuntu Before you Install It If you want to try Ubuntu before installing that you can run it from the USB drive using UnetBootin (Which we use in the next section to create the bootable USB). Also the Ubuntu installation screens will give you that option too.

Create Bootable USB Download and install UNetbootin and use that to create a bootable USB. This will create a bootable partition on the disk and copy Ubuntu there. Trying to make a bootable USB drive yourself is otherwise complicated. Enter the location of the ISO file that you downloaded and select the USB drive letter or location. Install Ubuntu Once you get the bootable USB working follow the screens below to install USB: Pick your language. Here click Download Updates while Installing and Install This Third-Party Software. Either way Ubuntu will download the bulk of the operating system from the internet.

Look at the next graphic for an explanation. If you select the download and 3rd party options above then Ubuntu will update the repository, which is the list of servers from which it will download software. You can see those options in the Software and Updates screen after you have completed installing Ubuntu. You can go back later and add those that after the installation if you want. Notice that in this screen it lists CD as an option.

Unselect that as otherwise it will prompt you to plug in the USB after you have Ubuntu running. Select Erase disk and install Ubuntu. The Something else option would let you create your own partitions, which would be complicated, which you could do if you want to have a dual boot machine to be able run Windows or Ubuntu on the same machine. But there is no need to deal with that complexity as you can run Ubuntu in a virtual machine as we explain below. The Something else would also let you pick the second, solid state drive in your laptop or desktop to install Ubuntu, but that is a more complicated installation. Plus if you mess that up you can end up with a machine that will not boot at all. Click continue to commit to erasing the existing partitions on your hard disk.

Select the time zone. Pick the keyboard type.

Create a username, password, and computer name. You will login with this userid after the installation is complete. Now the installation is complete.

Remove the USB drive and click Restart Now. If you have installed Ubuntu into a virtual machine, the Restart Now option will probably give an error message, so use the virtual machine software to restart the machine instead of here. Now login with the userid you created. Create an Ubuntu Virtual Machine Here we use because it is free and works well. Creating a virtual machine is easy.

The only complicated part is telling Virtualbox from where to load the Ubuntu ISO file, as that is not obvious. Download and install Oracle Virtualbox. In this example we use Virtualbox version 4.3. You do not need Guest Additions unless you find that the mouse does not work or if the Ubuntu screen does not maximize to fill up your display. As we said above, if you are setting up a virtual machine then you might have to enable virtualization in BIOS. In Virtualbox click New.

Enter any Name you want and pick Type Linux and Version 64 bit. (It is not likely that your computer is so old as to be a 32 bit machine.) You do not need a lot of memory or disk space to run Ubuntu. But the more you pick the better. So pick maybe ½ of your computer’s memory and however much disk space you think you will need. It will not allocate that space right away but will grow the file up to that limit. Select Create a hard drive now. Select Dynamically allocated.

Pick the space you think you need. After the machine is created Virtualbox will return you to the main screen. Right click on the virtual machine you just created and select Storage. Here you will tell it where to find the.ISO file so that it boots from there. Click Settings/storage.

Click on the CD image that says Empty under Controller IDE. You will delete this and replace it with another. Right click and select Remove Attachment Empty. Then click the + sign to Add the ISO file. Select the ISO image that you downloaded (You should copy that to some other folder than Downloads for permanent keeping). Now it should look like the graphic shown above. Now install Ubuntu following the directions above.

As we said above, at the end you might need to force a restart from Virtualbox if the Restart Now option gives and error. Do that by selection the virtual machine, right-click that, and select Settings/Close/Power Off then Start after it powers off. Note that you can also change the CPU option to cause the virtual machine to use more than 1 physical CPU or logical core.

Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • Introduction This page describes how to set up your computer in order to dual boot Ubuntu and Windows. While there are some benefits to dual-booting (e.g. Better performance for a native install), it is not recommended. Instead, it is best to do a native install of Ubuntu, and then virtualize the other operating system. Back Up Your Data Although this may seem obvious, it is important to your files to an external backup medium before attempting a dual-boot installation (or any other hard drive manipulation), in case your hard drive becomes corrupted during the process. External hard drives, USB flash drives, and multiple DVDs or CDs are all useful for this purpose. Have a Windows recovery CD/DVD available Some computer manufacturers that pre-install Windows provide a Windows recovery/re-installation CD or DVD with the computer.

However, many companies no longer ship a physical disc but instead create a hidden partition on the hard drive in which the recovery-disk information is stored. A utility is then usually provided which allows the user to burn a recovery/re-installation CD or DVD from it. If you are buying a new computer and intend on dual-booting, make sure you have (or can make) a physical Windows recovery/re-installation CD or DVD. If neither a CD/DVD nor a recovery partition/burning utility is provided by your computer manufacturer, you may need to contact your vendor and ask for a CD or DVD (to which you are normally entitled under the Windows EULA). Getting Recovery Media You may need to request a physical recovery/re-installation CD or DVD directly from your computer manufacturer. Once you have created a physical backup disc from a restore-image partition on the hard-drive, the restore-image partition can either be removed or left in place.

Ubuntu can be installed with it intact without problems. Install Ubuntu after Windows A Windows OS should be installed first, because its bootloader is very particular and the installer tends to overwrite the entire hard drive, wiping out any data stored on it. If Windows isn't already installed, install it first. If you are able to prior to installing Windows, leave space for Ubuntu during the initial partitioning process. Then you won't have to resize your NTFS partition to make room for Ubuntu later, saving a bit of time.

When a Windows installation already occupies the entire hard drive, its partition needs to be shrunk, creating free space for the Ubuntu partition. You can do this during the Ubuntu installation procedure, or you can see for other options. If you have resized a Windows 7 or Vista partition and cannot boot up Windows, you can use the instructions from to fix it.

Install Ubuntu • Download an Ubuntu LiveCD image (.iso) from and burn it to a disc (see ). • Insert the LiveCD into your CD-ROM drive and reboot your PC. • If the computer does not boot from the CD (e.g. Windows starts again instead), reboot and check your BIOS settings by pressing F2, F12, Delete, or ESC. Select 'boot from CD'.

• Proceed with installation until you are asked this question: 'How do you want to partition the disk?' • If you have already partitioned the disk and left space for Ubuntu, install it to that and then follow the rest of the steps.

• Otherwise, choose one of the next two steps. Automatic partition resizing (not recommended) • Choose the first option, which should say 'Install them side by side, choosing between them each startup'. • Specify the size of the new partition by dragging the slider at the bottom of the window. • Click on 'Forward'. • Continue on to Manual partitioning • Choose 'Manually edit partition table'.

• Listed will be your current partitions. • Select the partition you want to resize and press Enter. • Select 'Size:', press Enter. • Select Yes, press Enter. • Type in a new size in gigabytes for your partition, it's recommended you free up at least 10 GB of free space for your Ubuntu install. Press Enter when happy with your changes. It may take some time to apply the changes.

• Create a swap partition of at least your amount of RAM (if you don't know, 8000 MB is a good value). • Create a partition for your Ubuntu installation.

• Create other partitions if necessary: see • Select 'Finish partitioning and write changes to disk'. Master Boot Record and Boot Manager GRUB2 is the boot manager installed in Ubuntu by default.

GRUB2 is an open source boot manager that install the main parts of the boot loaders inside Ubuntu. This means Ubuntu is independent and avoids any need for writing to other operating systems. To accomplish this, the only thing in your computer outside of Ubuntu that needs to be changed is a small code in the MBR (Master Boot Record) of the first hard disk, or the EFI partition.

The boot code is changed to point to the boot loader in Ubuntu. You will be presented with a list of operating systems and you can choose one to boot. If you do nothing the first option will boot after a ten second countdown. If you select Windows then GRUB or LILO will chain-load Windows for you at the Windows boot sector, which is the first sector of the Windows partition. Windows Vista no longer utilizes boot.ini,, and ntldr when booting.

Instead, Vista stores all data for its new boot manager in a boot folder. Windows Vista ships with an command line utility called bcdedit.exe, which requires administrator credentials to use. You may want to read about it.

Using a command line utility always has its learning curve, so a more productive and better job can be done with a free utility called, developed and mastered during the times of Vista Beta. EasyBCD is very user friendly and many Vista users highly recommend it.

Installing Windows After Ubuntu There are two different approaches: Recovering GRUB after reinstalling Windows Please refer to the guide. Master Boot Record backup and replacement This method does not work for computers with UEFI boot. In consequence, it won't work for pre-installed Windows 8 and some pre-installed with Windows 7. Back-up the existing MBR, install Windows, replace your backup overwriting the Windows boot code: • Create an NTFS partition for Windows (using fdisk, GParted or whatever tool you are familiar with) • Backup the MBR e.g. Dd if=/dev/sda of=/mbr.bin bs=446 count=1 • Install Windows • Boot into a • Mount your root partition in the LiveCD • Restore the MBR e.g. Dd if=/media/sda/mbr.bin of=/dev/sda bs=446 count=1 • Restart and Ubuntu will boot • Setup GRUB to boot Windows Also see • - How to boot more than two operating systems from a single hard drive.