Download Vmrc Plugin Installer Application
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Download Vmrc Plugin Installer Application

VCloud Director might become unresponsive. After downloading the VMRC plugin, run the installer and change the default. Upload and Download Issues. Java plug-in.

Download Vmrc Plugin Installer Application

VCloud Director 1.5 Release Notes vCloud Director 1.5 1 SEP 2011 Build 464915 vCloud Director 1.5 Virtual Appliance 17 NOV 2011 Build 525550 Last updated: 15 NOV 2011 What's in the Release Notes The release notes cover the following topics: • • • What's New • Fast Provisioning: Utilizing linked clones dramatically speeds up provisioning time and reduces storage costs. • vApp Custom Properties: Allows developers and other users to easily pass user data into guest OSes using OVF descriptors. • Blocking Tasks and Notifications: Programmatically connect vCloud Director to enterprise systems (e.g.

CMDB) enabling end-to-end system automation. • Expanded vCloud API: Additional commands added to the vCloud API namespace to include all GUI-accessible actions and enable broader integration and scripting using the API. • Microsoft SQL Server Support: For new deployments of vCloud Director, Microsoft SQL is supported for the vCloud database in addition to the previously supported database servers. • vShield Edge VPN integration: Programmatically create site-to-site IPSec-VPN tunnels to connect across clouds. • vCloud Director Virtual Appliance. This appliance, which is intended for use in evaluation environments, incorporates vCloud Director and an embedded Oracle XE database.

System Requirements and Installation For information about system requirements and installation instructions, see the. The most current information about supported databases and supported versions of ESX/ESXi and vCenter Server is available from the. VMware vCenter Chargeback 1.6.2 supports vCloud Director 1.5, but does not support vCloud Director 1. Counter Strike 1.6 Zip. 0.x. Make sure you upgrade vCloud Director before you upgrade vCenter Chargeback. See the for more information about vCenter Chargeback 1.6.2. Known Issues The following known issues have been discovered through rigorous testing and will help you understand some behavior you might encounter in this release.

The known issues are grouped as follows: • • • • • • • • • • General Issues 'Too many open files' errors vCloud Director can require high open file limits. Make sure that every cell in your vCloud Director environment allows processes to open more than 1024 files. To see what the current limit is for a cell, log in to the cell, and type ulimit -n. If it says 1024 or less, then take the following steps to increase the open files limit: • Type su. • Edit /etc/security/limits.conf and make sure it includes the following lines: * soft nofile 65535 * hard nofile 65535 • Edit /etc/pam.d/login to include the following line: session required • Type the following command to restart the cell: service vmware-vcd restart • Log out of the cell and log back in. • Type ulimit -n to verify your changes. Cannot change vCloud Director database user name or password while services are running If you change the vCloud Director database user name or password while services are running, vCloud Director will fail at the next database access and log a message of the form 'java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied'.

Use the following procedure if you need to change the vCloud Director database user or password: • Stop all vCloud Director services on all cells, as described in the. • Using database tools, change the vCloud Director database user or password. • Run the vCloud Director configuration script on all cells, as described in the (see 'Configuring Network and Database Connections').

The script first asks for the Java keystore path and password and then prompts you for the new user name/password for the database. After you complete the script, it updates the information in the vCloud Director database and properties files and re-starts vCloud Director services. Unable to create a Microsoft Sysprep deployment package If you get a permission denied error when running the script on a cell, you should check to see if SELinux is enabled and running in enforcing mode.

To check, run the following command: /usr/sbin/getenforce. If it returns 'Enforcing', perform the following workaround to grant the appropriate permissions to run the tool. Workaround: Enable text-relocation for the shared library used by the script. Run following command as root after vCloud Director is installed: chcon -t textrel_shlib_t '/opt/vmware/cloud-director/deploymentPackageCreator/' Accessing vCloud Director with a Web browser vCloud Director does not support logging in to different user accounts from the same browser at the same time. If you attempt to do so, the first user is logged out. Timeout when a provider vDC is created on the same cluster as VMware Storage Appliance Creating a provider vDC on the same cluster as VMware Storage Appliance (VSA) results in a timeout.

To avoid this timeout, use the VSA Manager tab of the vSphere Client to put the datastore into maintenance mode. This action stops the VSA virtual machine gracefully and puts its host into maintenance mode.

After the host is in maintenance mode, you can use the vCloud Director Web Console to prepare the host. Cannot create a provider vDC if one or more hosts in a cluster is disconnected When you create a provider vDC backed by a cluster, all of the hosts in the cluster must be connected. If any host in the cluster is disconnected, the create operation fails. Workaround: Remove all disconnected hosts from the cluster.

VCloud Director might become unresponsive in Firefox 3.6.x on Windows XP and Windows 2003 systems When accessing vCloud Director in Firefox 3.6.x on a Windows XP or Windows 2003 system, the UI becomes unresponsive after clicking Browse for a vApp template or media upload. To fix this issue, click in your browser's search or URL bar, then back in the vCloud Director web UI. Cannot create a vApp if vCenter has more than 2000 port groups If a vCenter Server has more than 2000 standard or distributed port groups, you cannot create a vApp on any organization vDC that uses that vCenter Server.

This limitation applies only to vCloud Director installations using SQL Server. Console proxy causes high CPU and memory load on vCD cells Increased resource consumption by the console proxy can cause high CPU and memory load on vCD cells. If you see high CPU and memory load on vCD cells, increase the number of cells and file descriptors.

To increase the number of file descriptors, see. VCenter Chargeback 1.6.2 supported only by vCloud Director 1.5 vCenter Chargeback 1.6.2 is supported only by vCloud Director 1.5 and will not work with earlier versions of vCloud Director. Workaround: Upgrade vCloud Director to version 1.5 before installing vCenter Chargeback 1.6.2.

Installation and Upgrade Issues Cannot edit/delete vApps, media, or templates after upgrading from vCloud Director 1.0.x to 1.5 If the log files contain an error similar to java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown name value for enum class com.vmware.vcloud.common.model.TaskOperation: VDC_UPDATE_RESOURCE_ENTITY, refer to. Cannot compose a vApp or add a virtual machine to a vApp after upgrading from vCloud Director 1.x to 1.5 If you see the error Invalid computer name: Computer name can only contain alphanumeric characters, hyphens and underscores, and must not contain only digits., refer to. Server reboot required after upgrading vCloud Director After you upgrade vCloud Director software on any member of a server group, you must run the script in /etc/profile.d/, so that the vCloud Director environment is initialized with the proper values. Alternatively, you can log out of the server and then log in again. VCloud Director reports host spanning is out of date after upgrading ESX After you upgrade an ESX host managed by vCloud Director, the vCLoud Director Web Console reports that host spanning is out of date for this host and prompts the system administrator to repeair the host.

In most cases, this condition clears itself within a few minutes without a repair action. Refresh the page to check the status of the upgraded host. Unable to open vCD after upgrade Upgrading resulted in an SWF update.

In some cases, the server-side flash SWF does not update properly due to caching.Workaround: Clear your flash cache. • Click Delete all sites. • Click Confirm. Wait required after vShield Manager upgrade before performing any network operations After you upgrade the vShield Manager server associated with the upgraded vCenter server, vShield Manager notifies vCloud Director that it has a new version. It can take several minutes before vShield Manager sends the notification and vCloud Director processes it. If you manually reset the network during this interval, the upgrade does not complete successfully. It is a good practice to wait 5 minutes after the upgrade completes before you attempt to use or reset the network.

Upgrading vCloud Director interrupts in-progress OVF and media image uploads In-progress uploads of OVF packages and media images can fail if interrupted by a vCloud Director upgrade. Failed uploads can be re-started after the upgrade completes. VCloud Director servers and database must be in the same time zone See. I18N Issues ja_JP locales and Oracle If you want to use a ja_JP locale for your vCloud Director cells and you want to use an Oracle database, you must use Oracle 11g R2 ( or later). Guest customization tab does not support non-ASCII characters You cannot enter non-ASCII characters into any of the text fields on the Guest Customization tab of the Virtual Machine Properties page. This includes the local administrator password; the domain name and its user name and password; and the customization script. Cannot create organization with non-ASCII characters vCloud Director does not support non-ASCII characters in organization names.

Uploading a vApp template with a long name containing unicode characters fails When you try to upload a vApp template with a long name that includes unicode characters, the upload operation fails. If you encounter this issue, shorten the vApp template name and retry the upload operation.

Non-ASCII characters in a system name might cause NAT-routed external organization network creation to fail When you create an external organization network with a NAT-routed connection, the system name should contain only ASCII characters. Non-ASCII characters in the system name might cause network creation to fail.

Networking Issues Some host names are rejected as invalid as the Public Console Proxy Address You cannot use the Configure the Public Console Proxy Address field of the vCloud Director Web Console Public Addresses page to configure certain host names as the Public Console Proxy Address. In particular, hostnames that include one or more digits following a dot are considered invalid when you enter them in this field. To configure such a host name (or any hostname that is rejected as invalid by the Web Console) as the the public console proxy address, add this line to $VCLOUD_HOME/etc/ consoleproxy.external.address = hostname For example: consoleproxy.external.address = Default lease time UI field is non-functional Entering a value into the DHCP Default lease time UI field does not have any effect on a vApp's DHCP configuration. VCloud Director displays a host alert when a vSphere standard switch without uplinks is present When a host has a vSphere standard switch that has no uplink (physical NIC), vCloud Director displays the alert 'The host is not connected to the following vSwitches: [standard switch name].' This error can be ignored. Editing a virtual machine in certain vApp networks causes NAT mappings to be added for every virtual machine NIC on the network When you edit any virtual machine on a fenced or routed vApp network that uses IP Translation, NAT mappings are added for every virtual machine NIC on the network.

Outgoing traffic filtering fails with vShield Edge 4.1 in fenced mode Traffic filtering in vShield Edge 4.1 in fenced mode fails with this release of vCloud Director, allowing all outgoing traffic even when the outgoing traffic rule is set to DENY. Norton Internet Security blocks installation of the VMware VMRC plugin The VMRC plugin is required in order to view vCloud Director virtual machines consoles. Follow the Norton Internet Security procedures to allow the VMRC plugin to be installed. Cannot install VMware VMRC plugin for Mozilla Firefox On certain Linux operating systems, you may not be able to install the VMRC plugin for Firefox. You can take the following steps to resolve the issue: • After downloading the VMRC plugin, run the installer and change the default installation path to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins.

• Complete the installation wizard. • Run the following commands to change the link to the plugin: • Go to the Mozilla plugins directory: cd /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins • Remove the invalid symbolic link: rm -f • Create a valid link: ln -s /user/lib/vmware-vmrc/ • Verify the link: ls -la VMRC crashes while opening the console when Visual C++ 8 runtime is not absent When you open the console in an environment without Visual C++ 8 runtime, the VMRC plugin crashes. To restore console functionality, install. Organization vDC Issues Deleting an organization vDC from the API versus from the UI When you delete an organization vDC using the API, vCloud Director deletes any vApps, vApp templates, and media in the organization vDC.

Make sure to move any objects you want to keep before you delete the organization vDC. When you delete an organization vDC using the UI, Cloud Director deletes any vApp templates in the organization vDC. Make sure to move any vApp templates you want to keep before you delete the organization vDC.

Cannot start a vApp in a Reservation Pool organization vDC Users can set memory and CPU reservations for their virtual machines in a Reservation Pool organization vDC. As a result, it is possible for users to reserve all the available memory and CPU in the organization vDC for their virtual machines. In this case, they would not be able to start a vApp that requires a vShield Edge virtual machine to provide network services, since there would be no memory or CPU available. Upload and Download Issues Java plug-in issues In order to upload vApp templates and media to a catalog, the computer from which you are uploading must have Java Plug-in 1.6.0_10 or later installed. In some cases, even after you install the plug-in you will not be able to upload files until you restart your Web browser.

Virtual Machine Issues Trouble viewing virtual machine consoles with Internet Explorer on Windows Vista and later You may experience problems when trying to view a virtual machine console with Internet Explorer from a computer running Windows Vista or later. Disabling Internet Explorer's Protected Mode resolves this issue. Cannot click Client Integration Access Control Dialog When you use the Open Console command to view a virtual machine console, the Client Integration Access Control dialog displays. For certain operating system and browser combinations, you may not be able to click in the dialog until you first click in the virtual machine console. No warning is given when the VMRC organization connections limit is reached When the VMRC organization connections limit is exceeded, a blank console is displayed.

No error message is given. If you encounter this error, contact your organization administrator. An attached device might not appear as attached after a console refresh In some cases, when you refresh a console while a device is connected, the device remains attached after the refresh, but does not display as attached. The device remains connected even if you open a manage device dialog box and leave None selected. To re-synchronize the UI with the device connection state, connect the device again in the UI. A message appears that the device is already connected. After this message appears, device management operations behave correctly again.

Console does not load correctly in Firefox 3.6 on Windows systems In Firefox 3.6 running on Windows systems, the console does not display in windowed mode. To get the console to display correctly, use the console in full screen mode. Console does not reconnect when a virtual machine is powered on from outside the console window When you leave a console window open after shutting down a virtual machine and the virtual machine is powered on again from outside the console, the console does not reconnect to the powered on virtual machine. To reconnect the console to the virtual machine, close the console and open a new console window for the virtual machine. Console might not display correctly in Internet Explorer 9 on Windows 7 systems When you open a console in Internet Explorer 9 on a Windows 7 system, it might display a gray screen instead of the virtual machine desktop. To correct this display issue, refresh the console page. NIC deletion does not resolve until you click OK When you delete a NIC, click OK before editing any other properties.

Editing other properties before you click OK might result in misconfigured NICs. Notification and Extension Issues Spurious notification for catalog delete events If notifications are enabled and a catalog is deleted, two notifications are sent: one for a /catalog/modify event and one for a /catalog/delete event. The catalog/modify event is a spurious notification and can be ignored.

VCloud API Issues • The schema definitions included in approvals.xsd are no longer supported. • A vApp that displays as 'Fenced' in the UI may have its vApp network Configuration FenceMode displayed as 'natRouted' when retrieved in the vCloud API. If the IP subnet on the vApp network overlaps the IP subnet on the external network, then the vApp is actually deployed fenced. If the IP subnets on the two do not overlap, it is natRouted. • When a cloneVappTemplate request is made with the vCloud API, the value of the name attribute in the request body is ignored, and the cloned object retains the name of the Source object. • When a cloneVapp request is made with the vCloud API, the deploy and powerOn attributes in the request body are ignored.

• Attempts to use the vCloud API to specify a memory reservation or limit when editing the VirtualHardwareSection of a Vm are silently ignored when the Vm is in a vDC whose AllocationModel has the value AllocationPool or AllocationVapp. • If you encounter errors (for example, 'OperationDeniedException - Operations not in users context') when using the vCloud API to import LDAP users into an organization, log out and log in, then try to import the users again. • When you instantiate a vApp template and specify a FenceMode value of isolated, the vApp network is created with a FenceMode of natRouted. • When you configure the networkUpdateNetwork operation as a blocking task, no blocking task will be created when a vApp network is updated. • If you abort or fail a blocking task for 'vdcRecomposeVapp' operation, changes to some sections, including the LeaseSettingsSection, might not be reverted.

You must revert the changes manually by reconfiguring the vApp. • Be sure to deploy vShield Edge virtual machines in vCenter clusters that have adequate resources. If you do not, the vShield Edge virtual machine can fail to start. When this happens, vCloud Director displays a message of the form: Unable to start vApp '----'. - Unable to start virtual machines in resource pool '----'.

- Failed to initialize shield appliance - HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request Code: 70510, Description: Unable to power on vShield Edge VM • You cannot filter the result set of a datastores query by matching the value of the provisionedStorageMB record, as shown in this example, which selects no records, regardless of the actual values of the provisionedStorageMB records in the result set. GET vCloud Director Virtual Appliance Issues • The vCloud Director Virtual Appliance does not support access to the vCloud Director JMX service.

For information about using the JMX service to monitor vCloud Director, see the vCloud Director Administrator's Guide.

For remote management of virtual machines, Virtual Server 2005 provides a Virtual Machine Remote Control (VMRC) client. This is a stand-alone client application that communicates with the VMRC server component of the Virtual Server service (Vssrvc.exe). Rather than using the HTTP protocol to communicate with the VMRC server, the VMRC client uses the VMRC protocol, developed by Microsoft for communication between VMRC clients and the VMRC server. For more information about the VMRC interfaces, see the Virtual Server 2005 Programmer's Guide. You can start a VMRC session by starting the VMRC client application.

Once a session is started, the client opens from which you can access a virtual machine. You can also use VMRC by opening the Virtual Server Administration Website and selecting the Remote Control option for a virtual machine. The first time you do this, Virtual Server attempts to download the ActiveX control for the VMRC client to your computer. From a single VMRC session you can access a single virtual machine. VMRC does not provide access to global Virtual Server administration features. For configuring and managing Virtual Server, you must use the Administration Website or the COM interfaces.

Important Virtual Server is not a replacement for Windows Terminal Services. VMRC does not operate in the same manner as Terminal Services or Remote Desktop because multiple users can use VMRC to connect to the same virtual machine, and each user can access the guest operating system without the knowledge of the other users. This is by design for training and lab scenarios where one user wants to demonstrate a task to other users who are connected to the same remote session. If you want exclusive access to a virtual machine, then you should connect to it by using Terminal Services or Remote Desktop rather than VMRC.

The VMRC client can run on the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP Professional operating systems. It also requires Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or later. For more information about VMRC, see. For more information about the components of Virtual Server, see.