Delhi Safari Movie Download In Hindi For Mobile
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Delhi Safari Movie Download In Hindi For Mobile

Delhi Safari Movie Download In Hindi For Mobile

Download Songs Delhi Safari Movie Download In Hindi only for review course, Buy Cassette or CD / VCD original from the album Delhi Safari Movie. Engelbert Mp3 Download Mp3 Free.

Delhi Safari is the story of a journey undertaken by a cub leopard, his mother, a monkey, a bear and a parrot when the forest they live in is on the verge of destruction. A man is on the run to destroy the forest in order to erect a balcony. These five animals plan to go to Delhi and ask the parliament some very simple yet pertinent questions - why has man become the most dangerous animal? Doesn't man understand that if the forests and the animals don't exist, man will cease to exist? The movie starts off so innocent- and good. Then takes a turn in a couple clips that really do not follow the film or the 'good nature' that I would assume was intended. Most of all, I find it odd that in any culture individuals choose to include adult content, that is not needed, not humorous and provides no-value to the movie.

If you want to direct and create an adult movie, with adult humor do- rate it accordingly. If you want to create a children's film, direct the movie around that of a child.

Delhi Safari Movie Download In Hindi For Mobile

I do not support the film and would encourage any parent to review prior to having their child watch. I did not watch it and my 8 and 10 year old let me know that the animals 'are getting drunk' and the 'f' word is scrambled on one of the characters T-shirts.