Atpl Human Factors Pdf To Word
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Atpl Human Factors Pdf To Word

Human Factors was the easiest one so far for me. Personally I wouldn't worry about reading about specific accidents (although they are interesting anyway.) The questions in the exam give you all the information you need about the accident and you just need to apply some of the basic CRM/human factors stuff you've learned in the course.

Atpl Human Factors Pdf To Word

PDF: 12863 Human Factors for Aviation—Basic Handbook. PDF DOWNLOAD Version Our ATPL Human Factors Workbook is a very comprehensive and detailed workbook designed to present your study notes in a clear and. JAA ATPL Question Bank at includes ATPL exam questions and answers, conveniently.

Bahramji Flying Carpet. I used the AFT Nathan Higgins correspondance notes which include the latest Bob Tait notes. The only question I screwed up was about threat error management.

It was presented in a way quite different to how Bob Tait / AFT had treated it. Subsequently all four answers seemed 'right' to me. I suspect threat error management may be one of things that is not covered in Tait's earlier books. You don't need to study up all the accidents but you'll get the answer quicker and know the answer if you do.

Download the air crash investigator shows and then they tell you what the CRM and human factors thus giving you the answer and they are a lot more enjoyable to study. You don't need the whole series just the specific accidents I’ve forgotten which ones. If you don't feel ready to take the test do more study on different books. They take there question out of specific books (also forgotten which ones but an atpl instructor should be able to tell you) and its not only CRM on top of CPL HUF they also go a lot more into things like to eye, inner ear hypoxia just a few examples. Get some up to date practice exams so you get an idea of the questions. I just scraped through this exam and just passed. Thought I had it all covered well after using the practice exams from AFT and scoring very well in it.

But the CASA exam questions were something shocking. No questions about past accidents and incidents related to poor CRM, nothing about glass and modern cockpit design (it's ATPL afterall) and the questions were written to deliberately trick you and not test on your knowledge and understanding. I actually enjoyed the course material (used the ones from AFT) and found it interesting and actually learnt alot for the sake of my own health with flying but CASA's exam questioning leaves a lot to be desired.

Quote: questions were written to deliberately trick you and not test on your knowledge Found that with alot of Atpl questions especially with airlaw and aerodynamics. CASA is running out of things to ask because people are learning the course and passing so they need to throw in trick answers (the questions are usually straight forward). Brilliant part is someone can guess an answer, pass and still knows squat while someone who understands how and why something works but cant find what they know in the multi choice answers given and they can fail by a small amount.

I studied the Secombe Human Factors course back to front and could literally recite alot of it, and found this to be of no use whatsoever come exam time. Luckily I had a quick read through the Bob Tait book the day before and this saved my backside.

The Secombe course notes seem to be cut and pasted from some American manual that has no relevance to Australian regulations or indeed the CASA exam. I have since bought Nathan Higgins material for the rest of the subjects and they are not only informative but interesting as well.