Applied Mathematics 1 By G V Kumbhojkar Pdf Editor
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Applied Mathematics 1 By G V Kumbhojkar Pdf Editor

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Abstract: In this paper, an analysis is presented to find the numerical solutions of the second order linear and nonlinear differential equations with Robin, Neumann, Cauchy and Dirichlet boundary conditions. We use the Legendre piecewise polynomials to the approximate solutions of second order boundary value problems. Here the Legendre polynomials over the interval [0,1] are chosen as trial functions to satisfy the corresponding homogeneous form of the Dirichlet boundary conditions in the Galerkin weighted residual method. In addition to that the given differential equation over arbitrary finite domain [a,b] and the boundary conditions are converted into its equivalent form over the interval [0,1].

Applied Mathematics 1 By G V Kumbhojkar Pdf EditorApplied Mathematics 1 By G V Kumbhojkar Pdf Editor

Numerical examples are considered to verify the effectiveness of the derivations. The numerical solutions in this study are compared with the exact solutions and also with the solutions of the existing methods. A reliable good accuracy is obtained in all cases. Keywords: Galerkin Method, Linear and Nonlinear VBP, Legendre polynomials. Bhatti and P.

Bracken, 'Solutions of Differential Equations in a Bernstein Polynomial Basis,' Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 205, No.1, 2007, pp.272-280. Lashien and W. Zahra, 'Polynomial and Nonpolynomial Spline Approaches to the Numerical Solution of Second Order Boundary Value Problem,' Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol.184, No. 2, 2007, pp.476- 484.doi:10.1016/j.amc.2006.06.053. Usmani and M.

Sakai, 'A Connection between Quatric Spline and Numerov Solution of a Boundary value Problem,' International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Vol. Arshad Khan, 'Parametric Cubic Spline Solution of Two Point Boundary Value Problems,' Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 1, 2004, pp.175-182. Al-Said, 'Cubic Spline Method for Solving Two Point Boundary Value Problems,' Korean Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. Al-Said, 'Quadratic Spline Solution of Two Point Boundary Value Problems,' Journal of Natural Geometry, Vol.

12, 1997, pp.125-134. Abstract: In this work error estimation for numerical solution of Diffusion equation by finite difference method is done. The Explicit centered difference scheme is described to find the numerical approximation of the Diffusion equation. The numerical scheme is implemented in order to perform the numerical features of error estimation.

To get analytic solution, we present the variable separation method. We develop a computer program to implement the finite difference method in scientific programming language. An example is used for comparison; the numerical results are compared with analytical solutions. Keywords: Analytic solution, Diffusion equation, Finite difference scheme, Initial value problem (IVP), Relative error. Richmond (2006, July), 'Analytical solution of a class of diffusion problems', International journal of mathematical education in Science and Technology, Vol.15, issue 5, p. Mahdy ( 2012, Jan.), 'Crack Nicolson finite difference method for solving time-fractional diffusion equation', Journal of Fractional Calculus and Application, Vol.

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The model exhibits the phenomenon of backward bifurcation which posses a challenge to the design of effective control measures. Keywords: Bifurcation, Counseling, HIV/AIDS - TB and Malaria, Stability,Treatment. Abu-Raddad, P.Patnaik, and J.

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Shortages are allowed and partially backlogged. The backlogging rate of unsatisfied demand is assumed to be a decreasing exponential function of waiting time. The cost components are considered as triangular fuzzy numbers. The objective of this paper is to develop an inventory model in a fuzzy environment, minimize the total cost and thereby derive optimal ordering policies. The total cost is defuzzified using Graded mean representation, signed distance and centroid methods.

The values obtained by these methods are compared with the help of numerical examples. The convexity of the cost function is depicted graphically. Sensitivity analysis is performed to study the effect of change of some parameters. Keywords: Centroid Method, Defuzzification, Deterioration, Graded mean representation method, Inventory, Partial backlogging, Power Demand, Shortages, Signed Distance Method, and Triangular Fuzzy Number. Chang, J.S Yao, Huey M Lee, Economic reorder point for fuzzy backorder quantity, European Journal of Operational Research, 109, 1998, 183-202. Ouyang, Fuzzy mixture inventory model involving fuzzy random variable lead-time demand and fuzzy total demand, European Journal of Operational Research, 169(1), 2006, 65-80. Ramer, 'Backorder fuzzy inventory model under function principle,' Information Sciences, 95, pp.

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The portfolios are obtained from the zero-gradient sets of specific logarithmic objective functions containing the estimated daily growth rate of the investment wealth. No solution of the zero-gradient equations is available and hence the pseudo Lagrange multiplier is used to generate the portfolios. Keywords: Empirical performance, investment wealth, pseudo Lagrange multiplier, reciprocal functions of price relatives, universal portfolio. Cover, Universal Portfolios, Mathematical Finance, vol.1, no.1, pp.1-29, Jan.1991. Ordentlich, Universal portfolios with side information, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol.42, no.2, pp. Cambridge Ielts 6 Listening Mp3 Free Download. 348-363, Mar.1996. Singer and M. Warmuth, On-line portfolio selection using multiplicative updates, Mathematical Finance, vol.8, no.4, pp.325-347, Oct.1998.

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From the findings, the study concludes that the exponential model is the best growth model for the Nigerian population. This model is closely followed by the linear model. Effect of population on economic development in Nigeria: a quantitative assessment.

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